Trapped with the Dursleys - Chapter Five

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Mrs Weasley apparated outside Hogwarts, and saw that Ron had begun banging on the Hogwarts' gate. Mrs Weasley used a voice-amplifying spell and together they both called for Dumbledore, who instantly appeared in front of them.

"We've awaited you. Is Harry okay?" He asked, concerned. Mrs Weasley held Harry out, and Dumbledore cradled him in his shaking arms.

"He looks so weak..." He muttered, before straightening and regaining focus. "He needs Madam Pomfrey."

With that he took off towards the medical room, Harry in his arms. Mrs Weasley and Ron scrambled after him, sprinting to catch up with his long, sophisticated strides. He was practically gliding, speeding along the path, but with the grace and pace of a Dementor.

They all burst into Hogwarts, and the paintings gasped as they strode to the medical room, Harry's physical state quickly deteriorating before their eyes. Ron grew scared, and ran ahead, ignoring Mrs Weasley's protests.

Ron ran into the medical room, and yelled for Madam Pomfrey. She came out of a nearby room, grumbling about how she never gets any rest.

"Well, what is it? School doesn't start for another two days, this better be good." She said, glaring at him.

"I – It's Harry! Harry – blood – Dumbledore – hurt-" Ron mumbled, too quickly to be heard. All Madam Pomfrey comprehended was 'blood' and 'Harry'.

"Harry's hurt?" She said. She didn't know which Harry this was, but since Ron is best friends with Harry Potter, she assumed it was him. "Was it... You-Know-Who?"

"N-No..." Ron mumbled.

"How bad is his injury?" She asked, getting into her role as matron. "Is he unconscious?"

"It's really b – bad..." Ron muttered, stuttering slightly. "He's b – bleeding... a lot... his hair is all clumped... he's barely able to talk at all... and when he does, it sounds like he's drunk or something... he keeps trying to go to sleep, but Mum and I have been talking to him to keep him awake."

"Where is he?" Madam Pomfrey asked, getting worried.

"Right here." Dumbledore said, bursting through the door, Harry still cradled in his arms. Madam Pomfrey snatched Harry out of his hands, and placed him on a medical bed to begin her medical procedures.

"I need you all to leave, it will be easier to heal him when I don't have to focus on anyone else. Wait in the Great Hall, I'll find you when Harry's in a stable condition."

Instead of protesting, Dumbledore gave Ron a slight push and they left the room. They met up with Mrs Weasley, who was waiting outside the room, and they went to the Great Hall to wait.

In the Great Hall already were Fred, George and Mr Weasley, who had arrived to join them.

"Well?" George prompted.

"How's Harry?" Fred asked.

"Not yet stable." Mrs Weasley answered. "Once he is, Madam Pomfrey will come here to tell us."

"Those Dursleys..." Mr Weasley muttered under his breath, glaring at the table.

"What's the matter, Arthur?" Mrs Weasley enquired, concerned.

"Once I erased an angry note the twins had left in Harry's house – I'll explain later – I checked up on the Dursleys', to see whether they had noticed Harry's disappearance. They haven't noticed at all! They barely care!" Mr Weasley ranted, slamming his fists onto the table they were sitting at.

"We already knew this would happen Arthur." Mrs Weasley sighed, "With what Mrs Figg told us, they're practically abusive towards Harry, and definitely neglectful. It would have been stranger if they had noticed – or cared at all!"

"I'm gonna strangle them." Fred said, staring daggers at the table.

"You'll do no such thing." Mr Weasley reprimanded. "I need to get back – Ginny's all by herself in the house, asleep in bed. I can't leave her by herself. Bye, let me know later how Harry is."

"Alright dear." Mrs Weasley said, giving her husband a hug and peck on the cheek. "Have a safe journey home."

As he left, Mrs Weasley turned to everyone else in the hall.

"So," She said, her face darkly shadowed, "How do we end them?"

"Like Mr Weasley said earlier Molly, we'll do no such thing. I will stop by their house once Harry is in a stable condition to have a... talk with them."

Everyone else in the room paled.

"Yep! You, um... you do that..." Ron mumbled, scrambling out of his seat. "I'll... um... check on Harry."

He could hear Dumbledore's faint laughter as he left, chuckling softly.

---Time Skip---

"I was just about to come get all of you." Madam Pomfrey said, having seen Ron. "Harry is finally stable, but he'll have to be in here a while. A fortnight, at least. Three months at most."

"Th – Three months?!" Ron stuttered. He shook his head roughly.

"Never mind that," He said, "How's Harry now? When will he wake up? Can I see him?"

"Fine, between a week and a month, and not yet." She briskly answered. "Harry is stable, but not enough for visitors. I may allow you to see him tomorrow, but only if I deem it appropriate."

"Okay, I'll let everyone else know for you." Ron said, moving towards the door. Once he left the room, Madam Pomfrey turned to look at Harry.

"Why is it always you?" She asked him. He spent most of his last year in her medical room, and she ended up getting a new bed specifically for him, which she personally called: 'The Potter Problem', because of how often Harry spends in the medical room.

She grabbed a glass of water with one hand, and one of Harry's hands (which was blocking his face) with the other, trying to get him to drink some water.

"You need to hurry up and get better – can't have you missing the first day of term!" She said to him, gently pouring some water into his mouth.

His finger twitched.

Madam Pomfrey squeaked in shock, and dropped the glass, water spilling onto the floor. She ran to pick up her wand and give Harry another medical check, when he opened one of his eyes, said "I'll try." and closed it again, falling back to sleep.

He's waking up.

Yep, I lied! I planned on having the 'Dumbledore and Mrs Weasley confront the Dursleys'' part in this chapter, but I sort of added bits here and there, and then I finished the chapter and they hadn't spoken to them yet. So, it'll be in the next chapter. Hopefully.

Sorry for such a long wait, but the next one will hopefully be some point next week. I'll have some studying to do, but I should be able to write another chapter for next week... Hopefully.

Anyway, hope you had a great Christmas, and see you in the next update!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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