Trapped with the Dursleys - Chapter Three

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For a few seconds, they just stared at each other. Then Uncle Vernon roared, and grabbed Harry by the collar of Dudley's oversized shirt.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" He yelled in Harry's face. Harry said nothing in return, hunger and tiredness clawing through his stomach and chest.

Instead of trying to find out what happened, or even asking where Dudley was, Uncle Vernon simply dragged Harry out of the bathroom and towards his bedroom door.

Harry saw red and black at the edge of his vision, as he was dragged along the floor. He saw some red sparks outside the nearby window, but assumed it was just his imagination.

Uncle Vernon shoved open the bedroom door, which collided into Harry's head immediately. Harry screamed in pain.

"Oh, shut up, brat!" Uncle Vernon yelled in anger, forcing Harry into the room. "Where the hell is your food?" He asked.

"Dudley... took it..." Harry muttered, eyes shut in pain. His forehead had started throbbing, giving him a massive headache, one that made him want to knock himself out just to stop feeling it.

Uncle Vernon hit him on the head, worsening Harry's pain.

"How dare you lie to me! Dudders would never do that!"

Harry snorted quietly. Unfortunately Uncle Vernon heard, and hit him again. On the head.

"Hurts..." He muttered to himself.

"You deserve it! Now stand up and tell me where the food went, you pig!" Uncle Vernon said, kicking Harry in the back, one arm still in his grip.

Harry felt something run down his face at both ends.

He lifted his hand to touch one side.


He lifted his hand to the other side.


With one last sigh, Harry collapsed onto the floor in Uncle Vernon's grip, his face a mess of blood and tears.

---time skip---

"Urgh..." Harry groaned, sitting up. He was back in his bedroom.

Remembering what had happened... yesterday? Was it yesterday? Harry couldn't tell. Regardless, he remembered what had happened, and stumbled to his drawer to grab a tiny mirror shard he had found when a nearby neighbour gave a mirror to Dudley for his birthday. The mirror itself was very expensive – but Dudley didn't want it, so he smashed it in his room when his parents were out and blamed it on Harry. That's how Harry came to find the shard tucked away in a corner of the room as trapped in the corner as he was in the room. Luckily for the shard, Harry rescued it and carefully placed it in a drawer.

Now he was glad he didn't step on it. He cautiously took it out of the drawer, and used it to look at his head. A bunch of his hair was stuck on a specific patch of his head, all clumped together by some sticky force – presumably his blood.

His eyes were still red – Harry assumed he must have been crying in pain while asleep.

Harry noticed his back felt sore, as well as a massive headache, probably from Uncle Vernon. He sat back down on the creaky bed, glancing at the calendar. He sighed.

Two more days, and I'll have no hope of going to Hogwarts... He thought to himself. In two days, at 11am, the Hogwarts Train will set off, and Harry will have no way of getting to Hogwarts. He was getting desperate. A few days ago, he had smashed the window, in hopes of Hedwig being able to fly through. All that happened was a punishment for Harry, he had his food taken away for his next meal (which was lunch), and Hedwig wasn't able to fit anyway!

He buried his head into his knees. If Harry had been at Hogwarts, fully nourished and taken care of when he had that head and back injury, there would only be a few bruises. The lack of food just made everything worse. After that one attempt of getting help, the lack of food made it a barrier he was unwilling to cross. He needed food. Hedwig needed food. He couldn't risk not having any.

Suddenly, a bowl of practically rotten fruit was shoved through the flap. In it was two mouldy apples and a banana which was mostly black. However, the banana had a couple of dark brown spots which were okay for consumption, so Harry cut them off with his fingers, and passed one to Hedwig, eating the other piece. Hedwig hooted at Harry, and nudged the piece back to him.

"No," Harry said, "you need the food."

Hedwig turned her head to some scraps in the cage. Harry could see a few small pieces of sausage inside the cage.

"I see Dudley actually did give you that sausage. Take this anyway, I'd prefer you to be as healthy as possible."

Begrudgingly, Hedwig took the banana piece in her beak, and began chewing it.

As they munched, Harry knew it wouldn't be enough. He was slowly dying, and no one was there to help-


"... Ron?"

Finally, a new chapter! Sorry for the long wait, I was busy with my b'day, then I got ill, but I'm all good now, and have a new chap out for everyone! Hope you enjoy it.

Don't worry, Mrs Weasley will be in the next chap, haha.

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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