Trapped with the Dursleys - Chapter Nine

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"Stop lying to me, Harry!" Ron said to him, while they ate breakfast in the medical wing.

"I'm not lying, honest!" Harry replied, while stuffing his face with some croissants. "Professor Snape really said that to me!"

"Yeah right, and pigs fly!" Ron scoffed, grabbing a couple of pancakes and popping them into his mouth.

"Technically, I can make pigs fly, Mr. Ronald Weasley. I'm sure if I chucked you across the room, that'd be proof enough." Snape said, walking into the medical wing.

Ron threw Snape a death glare and turned back to Harry.

"You sure you don't want me to kick him out?" He asked. Harry shook his head; his hair bangs almost stabbing him in the eye (it's a real issue).

Ron sighed, but nodded before turning to leave. As he passed Snape, he walked up to him and shoved him slightly. Snape gave Ron a death glare, but Ron started talking anyway.

"I don't care that you're smarter... and stricter... and... terrifying... really, really terrifying... anyway, I don't care that you could kill me on the spot if you wanted, because Harry is my best friend and if you hurt him in anyway – I'll do... something! I haven't figured that part out yet... But you'll regret it, if you hurt him!" He yelled at Snape.

Snape gave no response.

"Okay, if you're sure you're okay... Then I'll see you later?" Ron said, glancing questionably at Harry. Harry nodded.

Ron took one last glance at Snape and Harry, before stepping out of the medical wing.

"Oh, Ronald Weasley?" Snape muttered, as Ron scarpered out of the room.

"Y-Yeah?" Ron squeaked.

"... 30 points from Gryffindor."

Ron gave a small smile.

"I wouldn't expect anything less, Professor."

And with that, he left to head to class.

---Time Skip---

Hermione was just as shocked as Ron was, when Snape walked into Potions, and didn't make fun of Harry.

"You might be right, Harry." Hermione muttered to him, while their cauldrons brewed. "Maybe Snape has changed."

"Of course, he – ouch!" Harry was interrupted by a stone hitting his back. He picked the stone up off the floor and saw that it was both big and sharp. It wasn't just a random stone that had happened to be on the potions floor. It had been picked out beforehand for maximum damage.

He glanced around the room and saw Malfoy and his two lackeys laughing their heads off.

"Did you enjoy that, Potter?" Malfoy spit out. "Because there's more where that-"

"Mr Malfoy!" Snape yelled at him. "It was unfair of you to unjustly attack Mr Potter for no adequate reason. Apologise!"

The entire class dropped everything, and stared at him. Malfoy's jaw hit the floor in astonishment.

"But... But sir, he's-"

"He's been in the medical wing for weeks, and the very first day he returns you decide to hurt him more. That's incredibly disrespectful to the medical staff working here, as well as plain rude to Mr Potter – you could have worsened his injuries. I will not give you another chance. Apologise. Now."

"I'm sorry, Potter." Malfoy spat out, before continuing. "I'm sorry that you seem to think that just because you have guardians who make fun of you, you're above everyone else. Well, my father ignores me every day, so there!" Without hesitating, Malfoy stormed up to Harry, and shoved him hard.

Harry slammed against his cauldron, which fell, and so did the cauldron's contents, which spilled all over Harry.

As Harry choked from the lack of air, many small spots and warts began to form all over his body. Snape quickly stood up and performed the counter-spell, after taking Harry out of the suffocating spillage.

The warts and spots quickly vanished, and Snape breathed a sigh of relief, glad that – for once – Harry was able to make a potion good enough that the counter-spell would actually be effective. He then turned back to Malfoy, his lackeys scurrying off, as the bell began to ring for the next class.

"How shameful! That's it, Mr Malfoy, I've had enough! 50 points from Slytherin!"

"But sir-" Malfoy protested.

"And a week's worth of detentions! Any more complaints, and I'll make it a month!"

Malfoy fell silent, and allowed Snape to push him towards his office.

Before Snape followed Malfoy into his office, he requested that Harry went back to the medical room for the rest of the day, and gave Ron and Hermione permission to go with him.

"You know..." Harry said to his friends, and he sat in his bed in the medical room, Madam Pomfrey frantically checking his vitals all the while.

"... I think things are going to change."

There's another chapter! Only the epilogue is left, then this fanfic will be over. It's been a lot of fun, but honestly, it'll be nice to go back to (primarily) focusing on one fanfic, and not three.

Sorry if it's not as good as normal, I'm sick, and while this gives me enough spare time to finish this chapter, it has given me pretty bad writers block, which I had to push through a couple of times.

I hope you look forward to the epilogue!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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