sorry dont cut it

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Larry pov

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and I heard jaz was talking to someone. ~ maybe her boyfriend or...whoever~ I left the bathroom to the living room seeing her and a dude. I couldn't see his face because his back was towards me, but jaz notice me.

Jazz: are u better Larry?

Me: yea...

Jazz: oh, Anthony this is Larry and Larry this is anthony.

~ I know she did not say Anthony, he's dead, he can't be alive~ he turn around and was actually him.

Ant: well hello Larry

I stood there in shock.

Jazz: umm Larry, u OK?

Me: i-i got to go

Jazz: oh OK, so tomorrow well work then?

Me: yea..sure

I left the house but got stopped.

Ant: Larry, it was nice to see u again

I turn around slowly and said "I thought you were dead"

Ant: if I was dead, I wouldn't be here

Me: No they shot you, I saw what happen Anthony!

Ant: haha you got it all wrong Larry, I told you to leave then come back, but u never did. I had everything set up.

Me; Anthony I saw them shot u

Ant: dude thy miss, I just play it off

Me: I'm sorry for leaving u like that

Ant: sorry don't cut item I thought we was friends

Me: ant-

Ant: shut the fuck up! U diss me so now yo ass gna pay.

He then went back into the house.

~ *sigh* fuck life~

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