Its my turn!

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Well. You might be wondering who I am? I'm Wade. Wade Wilson, nice to meet ya! You also may be wondering how I know about Peter before I knew Peter. Well you'll just have to read and find out. Anyway let's get back to the story. Peter has just let me in. You could tell he was flirting. He just didn't know he was flirting. He wasn't accepting that he was flirting. See , he thought he was straight. Well that changed pretty soon. So when I went in, I handed Tony the cookies that my mother had baked earlier, before they got here. Then Peter asked if I wanted to see his room. Yeah.. his room. Really fast I know right? But it's not what you're thinking.. ya nasty. He wanted to show me his books. Yeah. He's a book boy. An adorable one at that. Anyway I'm getting ahead of myself  let's continue. So he showed me his books and room and everything, and when I was about to head home he jumped up and said " Can I walk you home? Please?" Tony looked at him and said "Peter calm down, you can walk with him to school." Peter sank back down in his chair , he was disappointed. I waved goodbye and went home. When I was at home I was greeted by complete chaos, like usual. My dog running in circles, my mom cleaning, my dad working in the living room, and my younger sister screaming at the top of her lungs. Ahh home sweet home. By now it was 8pm and I realized I didn't get Peters number. Man. Now I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get it. I told everyone goodnight and ran up to my room to get ready for bed so I could get up and walk with Peter.

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