Chapter Four

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        I looked around the school parking lot, but saw no sign of Jared. Sighing quietly, I pulled my phone out and sent a quick message to my mom, telling her that I wasn't going to be coming home until later because I needed to finish a project with my partner. A few moments later, I received a message from her saying that it was fine.

        I slipped my phone back into my pocket and pulled my jacket closer around my body to keep warm. Again my eyes scanned the parking lot for Jared, but I could barely see through the sea of students.

        I decided to walk over to one of the benches seated in front of the school and rest on it as I waited for him.

        Nearīng the bench, I set my bag down on the ground next to me and sat down. As I got comfortable, I again snuggled deeper into my jacket. As I searched for Jared, my leg started bouncing. That was another attempt to keep warm.

        Today was freezing. The crisp wind that was blowing wasn't much help either. No matter how much I loved winter, I couldn't deny the fact that it was really cold.

        Again I took my phone out and scrollēd through, checking today's temperature. My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as I noticed how cold it truly was. All day today it was 10°F, but with the winds, it made it feel like -1°F. I continued to read and internally groaned when I read that the temperature would be dropping to 3°F, but with the winds, it would feel like -9°F.

        Reading that made me shiver more and pull my jacket tighter around me. I continued to read and it was saying that when the temperature dropped that low, that no one should be out because there was going to be light snow and icy rain and the road could freeze over.

        I read the week's weather after that and was so engrossed in my reading that I didn't notice how empty the lot was. A few cars were scattered around and my eyebrows furrowed and my shivering increased. Where was he?

        I decided to stay until all the cars were gone because any of these cars could be his, right?

        I slipped my phone back into my pocket and rubbed my hands together. My hands were starting to feel numb and when I looked down at them, the tips of my fingers were red and as it got closer to my palms, they faded into a pinkish color.

        I pressed my lips to my hands and blew into them as I rubbed them together vigorously. Finding that it didn't help, I stuffed them into my warm pockets.

        About half an hour later, the doors to the school slammed open and chatter filled the air. About ten kids spilled from the school and swarmed the almost empty lot. I'm guessing they were in some type of club.

        After shouts of farewells and hugs, they hopped into their cars and the lot was finally empty.

        Disappointment filled me and I got up from my spot on the bench. I picked up my bag with my left hand, remembering the bruise on my right arm and walked towards the sidewalk.

        As soon as I stepped onto the sidewalk, frozen droplets of rain started falling from the sky mixed with snow.

        Sitting in the cold for so long had given me a runny nose, so I occasionally sniffed. I reached my hand out and caught a few snowflakes. As my eyes drifted to my hands, I noticed that instead of the tips of my fingers being a fiery red, they were an icy blue. I couldn't feel them at all now and that scared me.

        I frantically shoved them deeper into my pockets and sniffed again. I sped to my house. I needed to get to the warm confines of my home. All I wanted at the moment was a giant mug of hot cocoa and to be snuggled in the warmth of my blankets.

        The ten minute walk turned into a seven minuted walk as I reached my front door. I sniffed once again as I reached into my bag to retrieve my keys. It was hard to do so with my numb hands, but I finally managed to shove the key in the lock and step in my home.

        The blast of warm air had me sighing in relief. I rushed up to my room and changed into a pair of fluffy pj bottoms and a long sleeve shirt with a thick hoodie over top. As I finished, I also slipped on a pair of fluffy socks and went to the kitchen.

        There I saw my parents at the table and my four younger siblings all chatting about their day. I silently made myself a mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows and slipped to the living room. No one noticed I had entered the kitchen. They hadn't even noticed I arrived home. I could probably be kidnapped and no one would notice.

        I grabbed a blanket that was folded neatly on the couch and cuddled into it while settling into the couch.

        I wrapped both my hands around the mug and noticed that they were no longer a bluish color, but were a light red. I sniffed again and let my mind wander to Jared.

        I couldn't believe he would just leave me waiting there for him. He would let me freeze while he was probably at his house all warm and cozy. I should've expected it though, He is the bad boy after all.

        Not only that, but I'm not such an important person for him to remember. I was just a waste of space, a poor excuse of a human and it would be surprising if someone would actually care for me willingly.

        He probably had much more important things to do than to waste his time with me. A mute girl who had no friends and belonged in the trash like the filthy person she is.

        I sipped the last of my warm chocolatey goodness before sitting it on the coffee table in front of me.

        As I closed my eyes, a forbidden tear escaped the walls I tried so hard to build, and rolled down my cheek and dripped off my chin onto the blanket below me.

        I furiously rubbed my face where the tear left a wet trail and sniffed again as I sighed.

        I won't allow him to make me cry.

        He isn't worth it.


Here's another chapter for you all! Please comment your thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated! Also if you can, please vote and possibly follow?

Thanks for reading and I hope that you're enjoyīng the book so far. Until next time! 😊

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