Chapter 7

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It was that moment of the day when the sky started to turn orange and some parts were even purple, that hour of the afternoon that many believed to be the most romantic one. Maybe it was, but for Owen it was only a reminder that he was running out of time, the sun would set down soon and with that, darkness would fall upon them. He knew Claire had agreed to go to those kids' musical, but what would happen after that?

It had felt like the sun light was what kept him going, enjoying every second of the clear sky like there was no tomorrow, and with the sun his hopes were starting to fade behind the horizon.

He couldn't help smile at the beautiful lady who had her fingers intertwined with his. He could feel her free hand tightly gripping his bicep while she kept taking steps through the rocky path they were walking.

They were on their way to the musical, the kids' school behind the hill they were hiking. She laughed after taking a misstep and clawed her fingers in his shirt, trying to avoid slide down and fall on her butt.

Owen held tight from her and took a second to just hold her against his frame. He let his hand rest on the small of her back, releasing hers so he could help her up the tricky little path.

He had convinced her to go through the hill instead of around it, made a fun experience out of it. They wouldn't be the first or the last to embark in the journey, it looked like a very popular area for locals to take a walk or even go about in their bikes.

They had been walking along that hill for twenty minutes when they reached a rest spot. Claire sat on the concrete bench near by, admiring the view of the city below them. She looked up at the sky, she knew they didn't have much time before it got dark.

Owen quietly sat next to her and tilted his head trying to find her eyes. He had so many things he wanted to say, that he wanted to ask. His heart was starting to ache at the reality that she would soon ask to be walked back to the subway station and they would have to part. He needed to know how she felt, tell her he had fallen in love with her.

"I'm exhausting you." He chuckled watching her try gain some strength to keep walking and catch her breath. They had been engaging in so much physical activities, the redhead had no idea how she was still going.

"It's fine." She giggled nervously, her green eyes gently finding his, "I would do it all over again, even if I'll be sore tomorrow and probably for a week." She nibbled on her lower lip.

Owen's hazel eyes lighten up at that confession, he reached out and fixed some of her messy hair, her braids almost undone by then. He smiled and took the impulse to start loosing her hair and brush it with his fingers. The soft feeling of it through them sent shocks of electricity up to his heart, making it start beating faster. He could spend an eternity playing with her red locks.

Claire smiled softly and shifting closer, she rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes; the way his fingers felt in her hair injecting this peacefulness into her. She nosed into his neck, letting her arms wrapped around his waist.

Owen smiled and couldn't stop himself from pressing his lips against her forehead, the redhead slowly looked up and let her green eyes fall on his lips. Claire gulped softly, letting one arm pulled away and caress his cheek gently.

"Do—do you want to dance?" He asked a little nervous. All he wanted was an excuse to hold her close to him, have her in his arms and take in her scent.

She chuckled lightly, she looked around, "there's no music." She blushed, but still gently stood up and reached out for him to take her hand and lead her.

Owen smiled and taking her hand on his, he brought it to his lips and press a soft kiss on it before standing up and wrapping his other arm around her waist. He brushed her cheek with his fingers and pulled her lightly so her body could be pressed against his.

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