~23~My jealousy wants to kill you

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~23~My jealousy wants to kill you

After recover they decide to wash their bodies while kissing again but just kissing because they are more than tired right now

At the very next day Rose couldn't walk properly so Lisa had to take care of her,

Lisa had to help her to walk no only at home she had to take care of Rose at University,

everyday waited for the latter after all she was the one who almost let her in wheelchair even like this they couldn't stop their hormones and do it daily on their room and Lisa's car

1 week passed flying so fast

Jennie have been avoiding Lisa and Rose at home and University

They rarely see Jennie, even Lisa have been trying to talk with the latter and apologize but now that Rose has gone to her parents house for the weekend; not only because she haven't been feeling well lately but because their parents wanted to see their only daughter...

Lisa will try to talk and apologize to her Unnie even if only that idea is scary

Lisa offered herself to drive Rose home but the latter didn't want to disturb Lisa also she wanted time alone yet, before go home Rose told Lisa to behave around Jennie...since they will be dangerously alone, only they two and it worries her to death

Lisa promised that she will be a good girl...Rose feels nervous even Lisa promised this, she knows that they are nothing yet...

I mean Lisa haven't ask her out to have a date yet, even they have been having make love more than 10 times in only one week and a half...

They taste already like each other and smell like each other, since they can't keep their hands even their tongues away from each other

Rose really wants Lisa to ask her out and ask her to be more than sex-buddies

Rose close her eyes while thinks about Lisa...the train to home takes a long time to arrive...

she is thinking about their status maybe...her thoughts get interrupted when felt the needs to go to the restroom...


Lisa is now in front of Jennie's room door

She is decided to talk with Jennie and fix everything with the latter but right now she is shaking because she knows that Jennie is very upset with her

"Come on Lisa you can do it" Lisa mumbles herself giving herself courage but suddenly the door opens in front of her showing a somber Jennie

"Come on Lisa you can do it" Lisa mumbles herself giving herself courage but suddenly the door opens in front of her showing a somber Jennie

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'Uhg she is so sexy, I barely remembered her face...where have you been Unnie?' Lisa's thoughts

Jennie low her sight and walk passing by Lisa

Lisa holds her wrist "c..can we talk Unnie...please!"

Jennie close her eyes...the reason of her sorrows is here holding her hand but she feels weak due too much tears that she cried through this last week "not now Lisa" she have never cried so hard for someone

She miss to say that name...she feels like hating Lisa but she truly can't

Jennie got a very deep crush for Lisa, it's very attached into her heart; since the very first moment when she first met Lisa that morning when everything changed for her

For Lisa Jennie is very important is her Unnie, she was her very first time but now she and Rose has something that she can't even explain but is so important for her she just wants to fix things with her Unnie and not be awkward anymore between themselves

"Unnie I just want to apologize and fix things between us" Lisa squeeze Jennie's palm softly

Jennie finally turn to face Lisa with her tearing eyes which makes Lisa more than worries "Apologize? Fix things?

I don't want you to apologize" finally a tear fall from her eye-like-a-cat

Lisa hate see her Unnie like this so she drop her sight, feeling her green pools tear too "Please Unnie, you are important for me...

you are my Unnie I don't want to see you like this...it's hard to explain but it hurts me seeing you like this"

Jennie gets surprised yet with tears falling down her cheeks "Am I important for you?

Why does it hurts you Lisa? Please be honest...

am I only a Unnie for you? Look at my eyes Lisa and tell me the truth"

Lisa gulps, she knows that she felt love for Jennie since the beginning but Rose come thru and crushed those feelings and place herself on top claiming Lisa hers but still that little feeling still there itching under her skin not extinguish

Lisa can't face Jennie and lie...she can't lie, is so difficult for her so she kept her sight low "you are important...you...

you are my Unnie and it hurts because...you are like...like my older sister" Lisa gulps again

Jennie tears keep flowing but she dare and lift Lisa's chin with her fingers making the latter look straight into her eyes "now...tell me that I am only your older sister and that you never...

You never felt something for me and the first time we make love meant nothing for you...

Tell me that you never dreamed about me even one time because..."

Jennie bites her lower lip "because...because it meant everything to mee..." her voice cracks "please tell me that you don't love me that you never did it and I'll stop all this feelings inside me"

Lisa is in shock seeing how Jennie's tears are falling and her eyes are trying to read her mind

Lisa tries to low her head but Jennie lift it again...

Lisa gulps "....." a long silence passed by until Lisa answers "...

" a long silence passed by until Lisa answers "

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To be Continued

Short update

Sorry for those grammar mistakes- I read it twice

How to love?

*** If y'all were in Lisa's spot who will ya choose?

I'll chose Lisa lol <3

OMG my ChaeLisa breathed today...y'all having romantic dates and me here forever alone XD also JenLisa breathed thanks to 'guess'

See y'all later my blinks

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