~42~ Wedding Invitation

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~42~ Wedding Invitation

~42~ Wedding Invitation

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AN: Huh? Why there's a photo of my bias here....Jimin? Whatchu doing here?


Jennie removes her headphones and lifts her crying face to look at the beautiful sunset hiding behind the mountains, the sight is beautiful but dull
Everything she knows is that it doesn't matter what but she will protect the life inside her belly at the end it is fruit from her true love, a love that was never real but it was magical and no one can't ever take this from her...an illusion that felt wonderful


"This is not usual Lisa..." says Jisoo getting closer behind Lisa
Lisa gets startled by the sudden mention of her name from her cousin, she frowns while taking her books out from her locker "Oh, Hi to you too Unnie, what a way to greet with your cousin...and what are you talking about Unnie!?"

"Why the hell are you using a dress?" Jisoo looks at Lisa from feet to head "You look so gay"
Lisa rolls her eyes "Yah! I can be feminine whenever I want...well the reason is...today I have a photoshoot with Rose for our wedding and her parents will be there..."

Jisoo giggles "And you want to like them?..." Lisa pouts because Jisoo was kinda clicking in the right place, she truly wants to be loved by Rose's parents mostly Rose's father...he is still doesn't accepting her

"Ohh!!!...have you talked with Jennie? Did she tell you her situation?" Jisoo asks out of blue making Lisa stop what she was doing and turn around to look at her "What does she has to tell me? We talked but she just...." Lisa lowers her sight feeling bad due Jennie's rejection "Did she tell you or not?" Jisoo holds Lisa's arms pressuring the latter to tell her anything

Lisa really wants to know what Jisoo is talking about, suddenly her curiosity kicks her "yes, she told me"

Jisoo let go off Lisa's arms and stays there stunned "And why don't you care? Why are you acting like this? Will you still get married with Rose after she told you that?" Lisa bites her lower lip
She wonders what is so severe for her to not get married with Rose "Look Unnie what I had with Jennie is all in the past, I can't do anything because she doesn't want to even be my friend after I asked her this she just got upset and left me"

Jisoo was about to punch Lisa on her face "Idiot how dare you to ask her to be your friend when she is preg...."

"Hi, Unnie!" Rose arrives in the worst timing interrupting their conversation

Jisoo gets sad suddenly but greets Rose anyway "Hi, Rose...I...I'm going, see you later Lisa...we haven't finished this conversation!" Jisoo goes away with that serious face leaving a confused Lisa behind

Rose hugs Lisa "mmm, you smell great babe...yet I don't know why you wanted to wear these clothes...I'm not complaining though, you look so fucking hot and feminine with those high heels and this dress" Rose starts leaving open kisses on Lisa's neck making the latter bothered suddenly "Uhg...Rosie we are in a public place, stop!" Rose pouts moving away from Lisa like a scolded child

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