♤ rules // form ♤

230 4 81

Full Name
Brief Backstory
Romantic Interest


1. I must accept the form in order for you to roleplay. If you begin to roleplay before your form is accepted, you will not be able to participate in this book any longer.

2. Diversity is something I would like in this story: Your characters shouldn't be all females, all white, or all straight. Keep this diverse. The recommendation is to have at least one male and one female.

3. I understand that not everyone can be available at the time you want them to be, but that doesn't mean you can tag them constantly if they don't respond for a minute or so. Give it a few hours or more. If they are still not responding, you can tag, but only once a day.

4. I don't expect much, but I would appreciate it if you have 2+ sentences per reply. It just makes it less boring and more creative/fun. Grammar and Spelling are my pet peeves when it comes to roleplaying, so please do not add text talk in your reply.

5. Cursing is allowed, but you have to censor the curse words, especially if you curse often.
(Ex: fück, sh1t, b*tch)

6. Romance is not the main purpose of this book, so it can't all be about you and your love interest spending time together. Try to add drama and adventure when you roleplay. However, there cannot be too much drama. There's a line that you cannot cross...

{The password is to tag 2 people.. I need people to RP with. ^^;}

7. Smut--unlike cursing--is not allowed, getting this book deleted is not an option. You can go as far as making out, but you'll have to time skip if your characters make love.

8. Nothing unrealistic. I absolutely despise OCs that are unrealistic. Don't make characters that are always injured or always depressed/upset, it just makes roleplay boring. You can be injured once in a while, but not often. Here's an example of what NOT to do -
"Courtney tripped on a branch and hit her head on the ground, falling unconscious. Later, when she walked out of the infirmary, a paid assassin shot her in the belly! She lost tons of blood and her beloved boyfriend Bob thought she was dead so he cried for weeks. Then Bob died from grief. Then Courtney was so depressed that she jumped off a cliff. The end."
Why would you do that?!

9. Hate to say it, but your character and your crush can't always be in the spotlight all the time. Pay attention to other characters too!

10. Do not be overpowered. It makes it unfair for others and it eventually gets boring.

{If I'm ignoring you, it's either because you broke a rule or you have a really bad attitude. Don't do that.}

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