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     Jongdae was walking down the side walk in the broad daylight. He had two bags in each hand that bounced with him as he walked, his skirt bouncing as well. He was wearing a pastel dinosaur sweater, a white skirt, knee high socks, a hat and his favorite backpack.

 He was wearing a pastel dinosaur sweater, a white skirt, knee high socks, a hat and his favorite backpack

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((That but with a skirt and socks))

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((That but with a skirt and socks))

     Jongdae was walking a long, minding his own business when he felt a hand on his wrist. Jongdae yelped as he was pulled into a alleyway with two much bigger men. He could faintly see a few more people at the other end of the alleyway but couldn't quite tell as he was shoved against the wall. 

    He groaned and looked up, he was being pinned to the wall by disheveled looking man that wreaked of  alcohol. Jongdae turned away and stuck his tongue out in disgust.

     "Damn girl~ You look cute in that skirt~ I'd bet you'd look even better with it off~" The man slurred.

     Jongdae squirmed nervously, growing quite scared now.

     "A-Actually I'm not a-"

     Another man covered his mouth, cutting off his soft spoken words as he drunkenly hushed him. 

     "Just-Just let it happen" He said. 

     Jongdae was confused as to what he meant until the first man suddenly got on his knees in front of him. Jongdae's eyes widened and he began to freak out, screaming and thrashing around. But his screams went unheard as they were muffled by the hand over his mouth. 

     Jongdae fought helplessly for at least a minute or two as he felt the man in front of him begin to lick, kiss, bight and suck on one of his thighs, the other having his hand up Jongdae's skirt, kneading and squeezing his ass.

     "And just what the fuck do you think you're doing?" a voice arose.

     Jongdae opened his eyes, turning his head to see a group of 6 men. Jongdae had tears streaming down his face as squirmed and whimpered. 

     The two men stood up still not releasing Jongdae but uncovering his mouth. Jongdae gasped and looked between the two groups of guys. 

     "Let me go!" Jongdae whined, twisting and wiggling his wrists. 

     One of the men slapped him across the face for speaking. 

     Another tear fell from his eye after the hit. 

     Jongdae heard a loud smack, then a thud and looked down. One of the men was on the ground, holding his head which had most likely been hit with the spray paint can lying beside him. Jongdaes eyes widened again and he looked up at the six men again one of them still hunched forward from throwing the can so hard. 

     Jongdae was moved now and held tightly against the other drunken mans chest, who held him still. Jongdae protested for a little while before feeling something that made him freeze up completely. A cold, sharp blade was pressed to his throat. He held his breath, too afraid to even swallow in fear of the blade cutting him do to its closeness. 

     Jongdae stayed like that for a while before he saw one of the six guys trying to get his attention. He was pointing to the left, mouthing the words 'turn your head'. Jongdae blinked in confusion but did as told, turning his head to the left and squeezing his eyes shut. 

     Another hit was sounded and the guy stumbled backward, releasing Jongdae.

     Jongdae ran forward and grabbed the boys arm, who had been throwing the full, metal paint cans. Jongdae held him tightly before the boy told him to let go. Jongdae looked a bit uneasy but eventually let go, taking a step back.

     Jongdae gasped again, completely taken aback as the group proceeded to beat the complete and utter shit out of the two guys. 

     Jongdae shielded his eyes and turned his head away from the scene as tears came rolling down his cheeks again. He waited until the noises stopped to look up fearfully from between his fingers.

     He saw the two guys on the ground, beaten near to death.... and the six standing over them, panting and sweating as they all looked at poor little Jongdae intensely.

     "You're not from here... are you?" 

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