Hospital Visits

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The next morning, I woke up on Justin's couch in the basement. I was kinda excited, yet kinda nervous knowing today was the day I would finally see Trevor again since he got put in the mental hospital. It was kinda weird, I mean he basically kept me hostage for a while, and I still wanted to see how he was doing. I guess that's just me.

I felt movement beside me as Daniel began to wake up. He looked up at me, smiled, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I whispered goodmorning to him and he whispered it back. I looked around to see everyone else still sleeping so I hopped off the couch, and grabbed the nearest pillow, handing Diggs another one. We took our positions and began hitting everyone with them to wake them up.




Before I could answer any of them, I needed to catch my breath. I was literally on the floor laughing so hard. 

Me: ALRIGHT Sowwwwy! 

Daniel: Hahahaha! We just had to wake yall up, you know?

Jacob: Man whatever... let's just get dressed and eat and get out of here to visit Trev.

We all did just that and hopped in Justin's mom's SUV and drove downtown to the mental hospital.

Kenya: Okay, before we go in, I just want  you guys to know that he hasn't really changed... he just acts different. Like, he still loves basketball, but the next second he could be pissed off. Be careful about what you say, and hopefully this will go well, okay?

Us: Okay!

We walked in, and I was whispering with Amaya.

Amaya: Pey, are you scared?

Me: Not really, I kinda just wanna see how he is, you know?

Amaya: Yeah but I mean he kinda kidnapped you... you don't think it's weird seeing him again?

Me: I just wanna see if he's okay. If I was in his position, I know I probably wouldn't be.

Amaya: True.

We all followed Kenya down a long hallway, when she finally took a left at the furthest door. As we walked in, I noticed two nurses talking to Trevor, who was lying in his bed. The nurses greeted us and left silently. All of us surrounded Trevor's bed as he smiled up at us.

He looked the same and everything, just... almost weak. It was probably from the meds he had to take to stay under control. 

Trevor: Hey guys. How's it going?

Us: Good.

Kenya then sat on Trevor's bed and held his hand. 

Kenya: Trev, tell them about how you can still play basketball while your here.

Trevor: Oh yeah! Diggs, Justin, Jacob, yall will love this. Hey Penny, move over for a sec, you're blocking my shot!

Penny moved about two steps to the right and Trevor shot a paper ball through the air, making it land into the mini hoop that was on his door.


Jacob: YO CAN I TRY!?!

Trevor: Sure!

Jacob tried just like Trevor, but missed.


Us: HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jacob: Oh shush.

Me: So Trevor... are you liking it here?

Trevor: Yeah! It's chill! My parents aren't really here, I have a lot of alone time, which I think is cool, i still gotta take school so I can see some other kids in the hospital. The only thing that I don't like is not being able to see you guys.

We were all really quiet after that. It seemed weird to think about him missing us like that. The last few months he was with us it seemed like he didn't like anyone except for Kenya I guess.

The worst part was... it was relaxing not having Trevor with us.

It seemed as if I never had to feel cautious. You know?

Kenya: Aww Trevor! We all miss you too! Right guys!?!?!

She turned towards all of us, and we all put on our fake smiles and nodded. Man did I feel bad.

Trevor then stood up and his smiled turned into a straight face.

Trevor: Don't lie. I know you don't miss me.

Diggy: We miss you bruh! The team aint the same!

Trevor: I may be in this hospital, but I ain't stupid. Just own up to it... someone. Come on, we all 17 and 16 here. We almost adults. 

Justin: Alright man, truth is we DON'T miss you. Truth is, we all relaxed knowing you ain't there to kidnap girls. Truth is, our team has been undefeated since the SECOND you left. You wanted the truth huh? Well you got it man.

Everyone in the room probably had broken jaws. I know mine was on the floor. I couldn't breathe at all. All I could do was watch Trevor. 

His face began to twitch, his fist balled up, and I knew we were in trouble. 

His breathing increased, we all took a few steps back. Even Kenya. I've never seen him this upset.

Trevor: DON'T EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He took a swing, probably aiming for Justin, but instead it hit Penny straight in the face, knocking her on the ground.

Jacob: Oh hell nahh. Baby!

He helped Penny up off the ground, and Penny let out a tear. I was so shocked. Penny was NOT the type to cry... and seeing her like this hurt.

Trevor then tacked Justin to the ground, punching him repeatedly. We all tried to get him off but it wouldn't work.


When Trevor heard that, he got up and then tackled Kenya to the ground and hit her across the face. I screamed and got up and pressed the blue button like Kenya had told me to.

A loud noise rang throughout the room, which REALLY set Trevor off. He began crying and chasing all of us until we were down the hall. We reached a dead end and I thought it was gonna be the end of all of us.

I held on to Diggy's hand and hugged him so tightly. Trevor was glaring at us, trying to pick out who to get next probably, when all of a sudden he fell to the ground. 

As it turns out, a nurse was behind him and injected him with a substance to put him to sleep. 

Kenya: Nurse Janet! What happened!?!? I thought it was safe to visit after 11!

Nurse Janet: It is! However that can only mean one thing...

Us: What?

Nurse Janet: He isn't taking his meds.

Amaya: Well, what does that mean?

Nurse Janet: Look, I don' think any of you guys should visit for a while. 

Jacob: Pshh thank god!

Kenya: Wait. Does that mean me too?

Nurse Janet: Yes Kenya. He needs to stay away from all of you or he could seriously hurt you, without intensions of doing so. Please just give it 2 months and we will get him back under control.

Kenya: Okay...

We all thanked Nurse Janet and left the hospital, with a siilent ride back to Justin's house.

Man, what a day.

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