Gym Flow

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It was now Sunday... The day after all that shit went down. I knew our happiness wouldn't last for long. Why is it always Daniel's lame ass ruining everything for us? Honestly all I wanted to do was beat him up. He can't go five minutes without being a hoe. He basically admitted yesterday that he still has feelings for Pey and Arianna was just there to make him feel better.
I sighed and checked my phone... 5 more minutes. I was working out at the gym, running on the treadmill. Working out everyday to stay in shape for basketball was hell, but it was worth it. Offers from schools were flying in after winning region championships last week. This upcoming Friday, we had sectionals. Winning this would only help out even more. I was trying so hard for that full ride scholarship from Tennessee, and they were coming to that game to watch. My family needed this more than I did. My mom was struggling to even out food on the table at this point. If I didn't have a job as well, I don't even want to know where we would be. My plan was to go to college and continue a new job there and send money to my mom as she needed it.
I finished my workout and turned off the treadmill. I walked to the locker room to grab my jacket and walked home.
On the way, I looked around listening to my music. Dang. Only one more year here. I was kinda worried about leaving my mom here, but she insisted I go. She was a college dropout and wishes I don't make her same mistake. I continued walking until I started feeling really strange. I found a bench as I sat down and took a sip of my water. I was breathing really hard uncontrollably, and my legs wouldn't stop shaking. I felt my stomach turn as I vomited into the grass and lied down on the bench. The funny feeling left and I relaxed my stiff body. I continued walking, but at a racing speed, trying to get home before that happened again.
I finally made it and told my mother what happened.
"Oh nooo, here let me take your temperature baby." She grabbed the thermometer from our first aid kit and stuck it underneath my tongue. At this point my head was pounding and all I wanted was to figure out what was going on.
The beeper went off revealing my temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit , completely normal.
"That's odd, you feel hot. Hmm let me go call Grandma real quick to see what she says." My mom said as she turned to leave.
I sat at our kitchen table with my throbbing head in my palms trying to figure this out. Let's see... I am hydrated, I took my vitamins, my diet has been fine...
Then it hit me. I called up Jacob.
"Hey babe what's up?" He asked.
"Jacob, did you use a condom when we had sex?" I asked in a hushed voice in case my mom walked back in.
"Yeah I did... Why?"
"I'm sick and I don't know why. I was walking back from the gym and I got dizzy and my legs were shaking and I threw up. I don't know what else it could be." I cried.
"Penny, I can tell you now that you aren't pregnant. I made sure I used that condom. You probably just caught a stomach bug, you want me to bring you some ginger ale?"
I sighed into the phone, "no, I'm okay. I'm gonna take a nap. I'll talk to you later."
I stood up from my chair as my head throbbed harder. I reached into the first aid kit to take Advil for the headache. I grabbed my water and swallowed the pills down.
When I was finished I glanced at the first aid kit, noticing about 5 pregnancy tests. I was hesitant at first, but I eventually took two and bolted up the stairs before my mom interrupted me. I closed my bedroom door behind me and went into my bathroom locking it.
I took the test and waited nervously for the results. I know Jacob said he used a condom, but what if the condom broke? Anything can happen. I was hoping this wouldn't be happening at this point. There was no way I could raise a baby. My mom can barely support herself and me. And Jacob, his life shouldn't be paused for this either. He has a lot of offers from schools just like me. This would potentially ruin both of our chances at those scholarships.
The results finally showed up. Both tests had a small digital "+" on it, signifying I was pregnant. I stood up and looked into the mirror and stared at myself already knowing what to do. I couldn't keep this baby. My mom has worked so hard getting me to this point alone. All the money spent on basketball camps, jerseys, shoes, was money we needed for food, but she chose my dream instead. I couldn't let her down.
I sat on the edge of the bath tub and thought. Maybe I shouldn't tell Jacob. He would be heartbroken, and only try to convince me to change my mind. He would make it harder for me to do this. I couldn't tell the girls either, especially not Peyton. She would tell him in a heartbeat cause they are best friends. I sighed and picked up the phone with the abortion clinic making my appointment for tomorrow morning at 8:00 am. There was no going back now.

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