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"DEVILS DEVILS CAN'T BE BEAT, DEVILS MAKE YOU FEEL THE HEAT! GOOOO DEVILS!" I yelled as loud as I could with the rest of my cheer team. We were having practice in the back gym, when our coach interrupted.

"Okay ladies gather around! There is a basketball game tomorrow night, and red squad, you will be cheering." Basically there are two mini cheer teams, the red team and the white team. The red was varsity, white was junior varsity. I was the red. 

"However, it's not just any game. This is the first game of playoff season, and it's a home game. It's gonna be packed and we have to cheer as hard as we can to help our team win," our coach continued, "if we do just this, I think we can lead the basketball team to victory!" 

I was excited to cheer, but cheering on the basketball team wasn't as fun for me anymore now that Trevor is gone. It's just not the same. I used to get so excited whenever he scored. I would have to try my hardest not to blush when he would wink at me after every basket he got. Daniel and Jacob do the same to Peyton and Penny who are always watching in the crowd. It makes me happy for them, but sad cause I can't have that anymore. 

"Alright, hands in... and ummmm.... Kenya! Cheer us out!" Coach had said.


I went to the locker room to get my bag, and then headed out. I all of a sudden ran into someone. HARD. I was so focused on getting to my car, I guess I hadn't noticed anyone else. 

I was on the ground trying to get up when all of a sudden, I heard this deep voice say... "Here... lemme help you."

I looked up to see this lovely caramel boy with this short curly hair. I don't think I've noticed him before.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I was really focused on getting out of here. Thank you though!" I spoke. 

"No problem... you're Kenya right?" He asked.

"Yeah! And I know this sounds kinda bad but umm.... what's your name?"

"Hahaha I'm Chresanto." He answered. It all of a sudden clicked! I cheered for the football team all the time but never saw his face. Chresanto was the quarter back of the team. He was a senior, unlike me and my friends who are juniors.

"OH! You're the famous Chresanto!? Haha nice to meet you."

"You too girl... guess I'll see you around. I gotta head home." 

"Same here! Haha I guess so! Bye Chresanto!"

"Bye Kenya!"

We went our seperate ways to our cars. Once I got in my car I sat there and just smiled. The only thing I could think of was Chresanto. Trevor who?


Today was another one of the usual tutoring session nights, except this time, for the first time ever, we had it at Daniel's house. I've been to his house before, but it was never just me and him. 

And to make me even more concerned, we were in his room.

"Okay so.... discribe the court case Marbury vs. Madison." I read off to him. 

"Let's see, that was the court case that had established judicial review! It basically lead to the separation of powers... to sum it up for you."

"Perfect! Yay! I think we are both going to get A's tomrrow!" I smiled.

For the first time ever, I had straight A's. Studying with Daniel made everything better. I got to be with my boyfriend, and get good grades.

"All thanks to you Pey" He leaned over and kissed my cheek and I blushed. He gave me this.... look, and then leaned back in to kiss me again. 

It wasn't just any kiss. It had a lot of passion... and it was way different from any other one I had before with him. I liked it, until he began to put his hand up my shirt.

"Daniel." I pulled away. I looked him in the eyes. "I can't do this. I'm not ready for that."

We had only been together for like 4 months, and I wasn't expecting him to do that.... especially in that short amount of time.

"Come on Pey... it's fine." He started kissing on my neck, but at this point I had enough. This didn't even seem like Daniel.

"I SAID STOP!" I screamed. I got off his bed and stood up to look at him. I grabbed my stuff and ran out before he could say anything. 

I ran down his stairwell, and dashed out the house to my car. I took off without hesitating.

I cried the entire way home. Daniel was my first boyfriend. For him to push me to something I said I didn't want... says a lot.

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