1. Mud on Your face

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"At the end of the battle, their heads held high, many died with honor on the field. They are the citizens saviors, they imprison and defeat those whom do wrong. We would all be proud if you followed your dream and became one of these people, a marine."

These words you heard in younger years, had no other meaning besides what was clearly stated. Everyone there knew your face yet, they were not confident but somehow they could see some light inside of you. Nowadays, it is as if those words changed, each with a meaning not intended from it's speaker. If anyone really ever knew behind the scenes, maybe they would have thought twice about the words they laid upon a broken girl, ones that filled the cracks again and made it whole. The words that brew a storm, changing not one, but numerous lives among the seas. The civilians, the criminals, and even the marines alike. Some lives were made better, and others worse creating a drive to murder the girl with a false hope to save herself.

"At the end of the massacre, their heads hung low, many were killed with regrets on a pool of blood. They are the citizens rulers, they send hell and murder to those who have done as they have. We are proud, you are a marine..."


You grew up as a somebody, well known throughout a disastrous town of an West Blue island. Most people there were criminals, causing a ruckus was just the start. The others all had something rotten going on with them, not necessarily a hanous criminal act but some lack of kindness every now and again. If the mafia gangs were out to start again, they would likely encounter you, a lanky young woman with a murderous glare. You had little to no tolerance for the mafia men, as it so happens, neither did they to you. Anywhere you showed up, there was always a gruesome amount of blood pooling on the ground below. It always amazed everyone who knew, that with all of the murder and blood, you of all people became a hard working marine.

"Wait... that's what you were like before you joined the marines?!" Coby, a small erend boy, startlingly screamed out of shock and terror.

"Oh ho ho. And they say, if you look deep enough into my eyes, you will see countless scared faces of all the men right before I slautered them." There was part of you that still held true of that past, for instance the slight bit of the sadist that arose. It took a few months of therapy to not attempt to murder someone just for having a gun, if that was any sign of the struggle from before. "I have work today though, so I'll have to call this meeting short. Let's say, if all goes well I'll tell you more tomorrow."

"Oh you don't have to miss (y/n), but I would love if you did."

You often wondered how you became so talkative with this young man. He was one of the few that listened and cared, his ranking was never taken into consideration. He was a hard working boy with dedication and determination.

The day was full of paperwork and meetings, dull and an eye roller. There was no head of the table present, only by a transponder snail that discussed details. The marine base was small, and only four others attended, likely because it was not of importance, just any who could make it to The nearest marine base for discussion. The surrounding people were of the same position as you are maybe a rank or two higher depending on their circumstance, a captian, yet somehow you felt above them. So much so like an admiral, even a fleet admiral. Your mind goes back to the pink haired cabin boy because of it, he felt as an equal while these fellows felt like thugs of the lowest origins.

"It seems the only thing out of this meeting was for me and my men to scout through the grandline for new promising soldiers at the marine bases, said my crew was too weak. Guess I don't blame them." You blantinly mumbled throughout the marinebase, receiving a few looks or two, not minding it as it was normal.

"Hey captain girl." An old man waved to get your attention. He was a higher up and quite well known as Garp the Hero.

"Yes? Vice admiral Garp?"

"I saw you talking to one of my men earlier. Don't be too nice now, his training might wear off hahaha!" He grumbled with his rough voice.

"I can rough him up if you want, though not sure I'm one for that kind of task. They don't typically make it out alive." You have a creepy sadistic voice, taking pleasure into how awful of a trainer you were but a good murderer instead. Then it was as if you frowned at the thought, a silent conflict.

"A bloodthirsty beautiful marine captain, I take it your (y/n) then."

"That... Yeah... it's sad that's how I can be recognised. I don't mean to."

"Work on it, maybe we'll see about it changing one day." The old man walked off, having a hidden serious face of worry. Almost as if he worried of the likes of someone like you in the marines, like you were one of those following a deep and dark path.

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