Ice Skating

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Today. Just today. It sucked, first my chair broke this morning at the table and Edward recorded it and showed everyone. Then I burnt myself when I was making pancakes and then I had to was up seven dirty dishes, a frying pan, seven cups AND sixteen pieces of cutlery! How could my life had got any worse? That's what I asked myself before falling down the stairs.
"Jeez Baby how clumsy can you be!" I heard Edward say under his breath,
"whaaat?? I'm just having a bad day." I whined,
"You see why everyone at school calls you Baby right?" he smirked,
"shut up!" I went over to the table and crawled under it, pretending to have a tantrum. Suddenly my mother burst through the door holding the twins and Electro whilst they made her life hell,
"Emily darling could you help me? Your so good with your brothers" she said struggling, my god these kids won't take a break. I walked over and gently tugged them off my mother as fast as I could and I held one on my back, one on my shoulders and one in my arms. Whilst they clung to me I pretended to be a race car and ran round the house. This made them laugh so I was good with it. Soon enough they got tired and had to stop.
"Hey guys who wants to go ice scating?" my dad shouted, all the little ones shot up again like nothing had happened. "Me! Me! Me!" was all you could hear. Even Ennard joined in! And I thought he was more mature than me!
"what about you my little princess?" dad said to me, I hated it when he called me that but I couldn't say that to him he would probably be so upset and think I don't love him. So I replied,
"yeah let's go!" in a very unenthusiastic voice. Once we got there anxiety nocked on my brains door, I can't skate. I can't skate on solid ground there's no way I can do it on ice! I carried on and put my ice skates on trying not to show sign that I was worried. I obviously did though because I heard a soft voice say in my ear,
"is this your first time skating doll? Well don't worry you will do great!" it wasn't my dad or my brothers because this voice belonged to a girl, and it wasn't my mother because this voice sounded too young and soft. I looked over to see a tall, blue haired lady. She had brown eyes and her hair was tied back in a bun. She wore a Pastel purple winter jacket and a short blue skirt with thick white tights on underneath. She was extremely pretty, I found myself staring. She blushed lightly and smiled to herself when she realised, then I blushed like a tomato and looked away.
"oh my god I'm so sorry" I said quickly so she would thing I was a creep. My family knew I was gay and they were watching me.
"Its fine I have that effect on most people, I'm not sure why though I don't think I'm that pretty." she responded,
"I think your georgeus!" I blurted out like an idiot, what was I doing? I only just met this girl and I'm trying to flirt with her? What's wrong with me?
She laughed and said,
"aww thanks doll, I think your pretty cute too!" my face went red like there was no tomorrow! She stood up and said,
"see you later!" and walked off. I was still like a tomato and my family came over smirking.
"sombody has a CruuuUUUUsh!" they chanted,
"shut up she will hear you!" I said alarmed, and I think she did. She turned around and winked at me. DEAR LORD. Ennard saw and nudged me, "okay can we just Skate now?" I honestly dreaded going in but anything would be better than this. I went in and clung to the wall as hard as I could, the little ones used little penguin things to keep them up and everyone else just went around having a good time, I was ready just to stay there until they were done but guess who comes up behind me? No it was not the girl. It was Edward. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along
"Edward no!!" I said almost loosing my balance,
"come on Baby it will be fun!" he said determined to get me to skate. He pulled me round the rink once and then let me go so I could try to skate. I immediately slipped and fell on my butt. Edward stood there laughing at me trying to get up until sombody reached out their hand, I reluctantly took it and they helped me up. I said thanks and heard a familiar soft voice say,
"your welcome" it was the girl from earlier,
"do you want to skate round with me for a bit? I can help you."
She offered,
"yes please." I answered shyly. We talked for I while and I learnt, her name is ballery but she likes to be called Ballora, she goes to the same school as me. She's even in most of my classes!
"so do you have any hobbies?" Ballora asked me,
"yeah! Singing and drawing not the most exiting things I know" I said,
"no I think they are great! I only have one, Ballet." she responded,
"you will have to dance for me one time!" I laughed she laughed to, after a while I started to get the hang of it and it was awesome! We were skating when a little kid crashed into Ballora and she fell on me, it was a super awkward position to. She was on top of me. She said she could not get up and when I asked why I realised she was being held down by my twin brothers! I told them to get off of her but they wouldn't I was about to try and slip out when Electro pushed me up against her face!
"hi" I said embarrassed Ballora laughed and said,
"hello" I managed to get the kids off of us and said to them,
"no pudding tonight."
"well mummy makes the rules."Electro said
" okay then, you two can have pudding but Electro I will tell mum you can't have any." I responded.
"you need to go see mum and tell her your sorry then!" I turned back round to apologise to ballora and I assumed he went. But he didn't, purely out of anger he pushed me and normally I wouldn't move since he was so small but we were on ice scates so I went straight into Ballora and back on the ground again. I could hear little laughs from my brothers and high fives I was about to get up when one of the twins jumped on my head forcing my and balloras faces to go very close together again. Lucky for me I was somehow able to hold him up.
"we meet again!" Ballora laughed,
"I am so sorry." I responded super embarrassed. Then another one of the twins jumped on my neck and forced me and ballora to touch forheads nose and lips. Only barely for the lips though. I was about to push them off when I felt Ballora kissing me?! NBHBFHBVFHFAWJOKF WHAT. It was just a peck and she blushed a lot afterwards. Once everything was sorted out we skated until my parents said it was time to go. We exchanged numbers and talked for the rest of the week off.

Yay. Cringe. Suggest things in the comments and I will make it happen!

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