The Travelling Circus [part 2]

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I changed the name to the traveling circus bc I want to. Also this is in Baby's POV now 😀🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈

I woke up this morning and realised I was in Balloras bed, I don't know how because I'm certain I got into mine so I sat up and saw ballora brushing her short blue hair.
She turned round and said,
"Good morning babe! Last night just before I went to bed you fell out of your hammock! So I picked you up and put you in mine since yours is quite high up and I am to big to fit up there, heh. You are heavy sleeper to be able to fall pretty much from the roof and still be sleeping " I laughed and saw for the first time how Ballora was about a foot smaller than the roof of the wagon (I finally found out what it was called lol)
I got changed and Ballora put my hair into pigtails as per the usual. We ate then went into the ring to have our practice for acrobatics. I ran in and Ballora chased me, I was laughing and suddenly bumped into Mr Ennard. I sat on the ground and looked up at him,
"I-I'm sorry sir! It won't happen again!" I got up and scurried over to Ballora, who was now standing in the middle of the ring.
"You better be you little rat. I should be giving you a good beating!" he shouted, I flinched and hid behind Ballora.
"Alright girls. Start with your routine."
He ordered us, we started. I did some flips and summer saults and I tried to take my mind off the feeling of misters stare burning through my back. It was going great till I caught his eye and it scared me, then I messed up and easy forward flip. I got back up and kept going as I'd it didn't happen.
"I SWEAR TO GOD YOU STUPID CHILD! GET IT RIGHT!" he shouted, he walked over to me and grabbed my collar, he lifted me up and smacked me across the face several times leaving me in tears.
"TRY AGAIN!" he shouted in my face, we did the routine again just fine, I was just realy shaky.
"good. Now, I want you to add a new part to your act. Ballora, you must springboard on top of Emily. Then, Baby you will springboard and land on Balloras shoulders. Do I make myself clear?" we nodded, Emily is the circus elephant and she was huge! Also, I had never spring boarded before! It was so scary. Ennard bought Emily in and Ballora springboarded onto her, she wobbled but scarcely managed to do it. Then it was my turn, I tried to be confident but little did I know I was about to make a terrible mistake. I ran up to the springboard and jumped, I was flying! I was flying, but then I was falling and didn't know how to land! I ended up falling over Emily and landing on my wrist. Suddenly mountains of pain shot up my arm and I screamed holding my wrist,
"oh my god Baby!" ballora said obviously horrified. She jumped off Emily and ran to my side,
"FOR GOD'S SAKE CHILD! I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU AT THAT ORPHANIGE WHERE I FOUND YOU, YOU USELESS PEICE OF DOG FOOD!" he got his cane and came over to me, picked me up and whacked my legs and back with his cane, I screamed louder and louder until everyone on the site had come to see what was happening.
"Ennard! She's only young! You shouldn't beat her like that!" Ballora shouted,
"Do you want a beating?" Ennard threatened, he dropped me and whacked Ballora accros the arm with his cane and walked away.
"END OF SESSION." Ennard shouted. I lay there crying on the floor holding my wrist, Foxy and Freddy came into the tent after they heard me scream and saw what had happened, they ran over to me and asked if I was okay all I did was cry and hold my wrist,
"here, let me see your wrist." Ballora said taking my wrist, "oh my god!" I looked at my wrist and saw a giant egg had formed on it, I started crying again.
"That's definitely a sprain if you ask me." Freddy said,
"when you fell you must have hit it or something!" Ballora said shocked.
"Baby, your lucky. I know a guy here who is a retired doctor, we can sneak over there now!" Foxy said, we went to a house on a hill it was a little cottage, the type that nice old ladies live in stories. We knocked on the door and it creaked open, the man stand f there was crooked and gray but he had happiness in his eyes, especially when he saw us.
"Oh Foxy! It's been ages! Come in, come in. Make yourself at home!"
We came in and foxy said,
"hey Ron I need to ask you a favor, my friend, Baby, here has taken a tumble and I'm sure it's a sprain. But we wanted your advice"
"let's take a look then dearie, poor thing" he walked over to me and gently took my wrist and examined it,
"oh you do have a sprained wrist! Here let me get you a sling, I have one somewhere." he went and found me a sling and we went back to the circus. Mr Ennard had calmed down a lot then and told me I could not perform until my arm was better. After that everything was normal realy not a lot happened, I just rested.

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