08 | desire

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hey guys! hope you're taking care

chapter 8 is here! things are gonna take a sharp turn soon, so stay tuned :')

a side note - the above gif is yoo seungho, nari's brother.

please vote or comment if you enjoyed this chapter! and as always, thank you for reading.

with all my love,



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A GIANT GIFT bag sits on our kitchen counter.

When I come home from work on Friday, I find my mother seated on the island stool, dressed in a big knit cardigan with sleeves so wide they balloon around her arms when she pushes them up. Rich dark brown hair has been tossed up into a knot atop her head, wisps falling loose to frame her soft face.

She crunches noisily on a pack of almonds as she surveys our apartment in disgust. Her eyes are the color of black coffee, dark and scrutinizing, sharp as the tip of a knife.

Seungho leans against the counter on the other side. I come to an irritated stop in front of the kitchen, purse slipping to my wrist.

Her eyes dart to mine with surprise. "There you are."

I nod at the gift with exasperation. "What is it now?"

"Give it to Minseok." She waves a hand hopelessly at the trash filling our living room. "How do you live in a place like this? Did a typhoon hit your apartment? Really--the amount of self-discipline--"

"Seungho trashes it every night anyway," I defend.

"Ya," he protests. "Where do all the beer cans come from, then?"

I make a face at him and join him in front of the gift bag. One glance at the shimmery rose-gold ribbon inside tells me it's packed with neatly-wrapped boxes of expensive Korean sweets.

"She doesn't buy me stuff like this," mutters Seungho.

My mother tosses him a look. "Because you don't eat it."

"I do eat it," he shoots back, peering incredulously in the bag. "Yugwa. Hangwa. Chapssaltteok. You're going to make him fat. He's a doctor, you know."

"A brain doctor, not a nutritionist. Aish..."

We wind up getting naengmyeon a block from the apartment for dinner. It's a hole-in-the-wall place with fluorescent lighting, rowdy kitchen talk, and rattling silver stools. Seungho sits beside me, and I fill our waters as my mother rubs her hands slowly from the cold.

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