Chapter 11- chase

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chase had a masculan tan, and abs like you wouldnt believe a human could have. he was actualky beautiful. he had jet black hair and almost always wore that stupid black snapback. i would steal it sometimes and he would chase me. we were so cute... zoe and kira said it was sickening

chase was the best looking human... as those things go anyway. he was kinda nice, he wasnt a player and he seemed to really care for me. my temptation to kill him ceased a week later when he came to my house and brought me choclate and flowers. he was so cute when he asked me to be his girlfriend... i couldnt say no. i had almost forgotten about austin.

Chase and i have been dating for almost two weeks and still nothing from austin. so i kinda gave up. i actually really like chase. still hate those human things but no there is an exception...Chase.

zoe, kira, shadow and vans couldnt believe their ears when i told them i had a boyfriend and that he was human. i mean they have grown to like chase but the human thing still bugs them. he still doesnt know about us which is good. cause that means i dont have to kill him.

wait...what??? did i just say that i didnt want to kill a human. ok this is bad. but chase is a good guy. oh no you dont justice dont you dare start liking him. no way honey. ok you like him a little but remeber he is human, that will never work out, be careful justice. be careful...


my mind was having a field day, i didnt like chase that much... i wouldnt even call it a crush but the bad thing is that he was totally into me. it was kinda awesome in a way... all he did was hold my hand or kiss or something. ok we still hadnt kissed on the lips, im so not having my first kiss with a disgusting human. chase was actually becoming really cool... i was going to do one last thing to get austins attention and if that didnt work, than i was done with austin for good and would give into liking chase.

so today at lunch i took chase's snapback yet again and stuck my tounge out at him. he just grinned and ran after me. although i could run like the wind, i had to pretent to be really slow so he wouldnt know i was a vampire.

my friends had grown to like him and so had i... he was awesome... anyway back to the operation mate...

i ran past austin then looped back around to hide a few metres behind austin. chase came running up to me and i jumped in his arms. he spun me around and i kissed him. i had my first kiss with a hot i might add human... if i had a heart i think it would be racing just like chase's was. i had to pull away though becuase my venom was spreading through my mouth at his heart rate... and i think the kiss did it...

austin came up to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me away to... i dont know where. i was listening to his heart, it was beating so fast, almost as if he was angry at me for somethine.

"Austin stop; what is wrong with you."

"Dont talk; i will be doing the talking; stop trying to make me jealous. here is your answer... i am not your mate and if your were my mate i would reject you. i would never be seen with a blood sucker like you."

"That was it... i couldnt take it anymore. i secretly like austin and my heart broke. my fangs extracted and i grabed his neck. he now had will have a scar on his neck for the rest of his life. his hand went up as to hit me; but chase stood infront of him.

"Chase what are you doing?"

"No-one will touch you except for me justice."

"Austins hand came down and hit chase right between his neck and his collar bone."

"CHASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i screamed as he fell to the floor in a heap.

If i was breathing, i stopped breathing... if i had a heart it would have stopped.

"Austin stop", he was kicking chase, over and over again... tears were streaming down my face as the man i loved was dying before my eyes. i didnt think i just jumped over chase to protect him... austins foot conected with my ribs and i let out a loud cry, austin realised he had kicked me and stopped.

"Justice... are you ok? did u hurt you." he sounded so sad. it pained me to hear his voice like that. i felt a full towards him but did nothing to it.

"Austin, leave me alone..."

i looked down at the almost dead chase.

"Chase, baby can you hear me?"

"Hey justice, i wish you were my mate" and he died.

wait...what... chase was a werewolf. OMG, OMG, OMG.

"Austin, you knew and yet you killed him... you killed chase."

"Justice i...'

"No, dont justice me... you said you didnt care, why are you being so nice."

"Becuase you are my mate Justice..."


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