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Every person has their own shade,
One wrong move and some of it seems to fade,
Imperfection runs in all of our bloods,
Some people just don't get it and thinks
it swallowed you up like a flood.

Have you ever told that you were an elephant?
Even all you want to do is to make yourself elegant?
Willing to starve for the sake of people's compliments,
Can I ask you, is that want you really want to do?

Called an ugly by many,
Called a slut for being clingy,
Been told to act like a princess when all you want to do is sleep,
Been force to act like someone you don't want to be.

Judgements are just people's opinions,
Taking it seriously might get you in trouble.
Haters gonna hate, why will you bother?
Are you that afraid to be yourself that you hide on the shadow of others?

Being imperfect in every mundane is normal,
Even things who can't move have scars and disapprovals.
Trust me, friend, don't pressure yourself too much,
Just believe in yourself and you'll be perfect,
not minding people and such.

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