Depressed Letter

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Dark sight,
Same night.
Eyes cry,
I tried.

Those things I suffered,
Those parts, still treasured.
Crying with the same reason.
People judging with treason.

I should not be ashamed of my talent.
But people makes me do so.
Maybe I should have just fallen,
Can you teach me how to do so?

When can they accept me?
When can I be perfect?
For I can free myself in my own prison.
Where I hid my true self for it to be unknown.

Can this depression be worse than I'm experiencing now?
I don't even know anymore.
I've been dull, lifeless and obviously,
Should I go back to my old self?
I think I'm helpless.

Yes, I'm less.
I'm a mess.
Still dealing with the same crest.
No matter what I do,
In their eyes, I'm still useless.

The people I love, the one who made me useless,
But still, I love them no matter what happens.
They say,
"Love even your' heart's already hurting."
Does it also count when I say I'm already dying?

Should I go back from the start?
From the jolly little girl to the useless immature woman?
Once upon a time, this girl died.
That is real, she didn't even tried.

I'd love to hear that, I'm used to hear that.
From the darkness where I always sat.
Where no one is there to understand,
How much I've suffered but still, I stand.

How can I get out? Can someone help me?
In this fucking depresion, I've been imprisoned.
Isolated, retarded,
I'm already tired of suffering.

No matter how much I want to end this suffering,
I still trust God in giving me this shitty yet challenging life,
Sickened, depressed, I became helpless.
In this fucking life, I'll forget I existed.

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