Chapter VIII

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Days passed by and everything seemed fine.

Sungchul's daily routine was the same as every day, and now he also began to tell Noonie about his day. The same thing Hyuk did, but it seemed very unusual to him (?) He did not speak with his parents or with Sungchul, no, but with Mr. Lee, Sungchuls dad.How did that happen..?


Hyuk went to the supermarket to buy some food - he was very hungry. While looking around Hyuk saw Mr.Lee and he greeted him friendly.

They talked and talked and out of nowhere Mr.Lee asked Hyuk questions that seemed very weird for him. Although, he responds friendly.


Hyuk: "..and yes, that's it."

Dad: "I understand. Must be really cool with my son, right?"

Hyuk: "He is a great guy. I never thought about having such a best friend by my side, hm."

Dad: "At some times, the unexpected awaits you!"

Both smiled.

Out of nowhere Hyuk also asked him why he actually left his wife and Sungchul at first(?) - Mr.Lee seemed a little bit confused

Mr.Lee invited Hyuk to go and drink coffee - then he can talk about it easier. (I don't know why but my dad really loves coffee and he is more calm when he drinks it, lol, back to the story)


Dad: "So, Hyuk. The question you asked me. It's not that easy and actually not that hard to answer it. You are a boy, I think you might understand it better than women, I don't know."

Hyuk: "Thank you for the coffee. So, uhrm, if that's so, You don't need to respond, Mr.Lee"

Dad: "oh, man, Hyuk, don't call me mister *laughs* We know each other for quiet a while now!"

Hyuk: "Lee! better?"

Dad: "*laughs* Let me keep it short. At the age of 18 I met Sungchul's mother at school. We both went to college together and I really felt loved. With time, when we got older, I asked her to be my wife. I didn't know what to do actually, I was really focused on her."

Hyuk: "*drinks coffee* Mhhmm, I see."

Dad: "  Yeah. Time passed and Sungchul, my little boy, was born. I left when he was 1 year old. I tried my best to not forget about them and to keep in contact but just 2/3 years later, his mother went to hospital because she was diagnosed by something, I can't even remember.."

Hyuk: "Oh, I feel so sorry for her! But why did you leave then?"

Dad: "I met someone else. Before she got pregnant, I still had mayn other friends. One of them was my best friend."

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