Chapter 18

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The next day, Shadow returned to work as usual. However, today's events happening in the GUN base is different, as the commander had just instructed Rouge to go to Eggman's base and spy on him as well as bring back information on what he's been up to throughout the past four months, because apparently, he and Shadow shared the same suspicion on Eggman about his "disappearance" ever since the wedding, so he did what he did. However, Shadow did not like that Idea, because nobody knows what Eggman will do to her when she's there, if he catches Rouge and keeps her captive, things will make a wrong turn. He slowly made his way over to the commander's office while supporting himself slightly with the walls, and once he reached there, he knocked the door, waiting to be answered.

Commander: Come in. *looks up to see Shadow entering* Oh. Shadow. Please make yourself comfortable. What do you want to talk about?

Shadow groans a little as he sits down while supporting his back with his hand and sighs when he sits and continues to sooth his back.

Shadow: I want to talk about the mission you gave Rouge.

Commander: Ah. I knew you would have your doubts about it. You're worried about her because of what he would do if she's captured right?

Shadow: *breathing slightly heavily* Exactly.

The commander soon noticed that Shadow seems to be in more pain then before, he knows that Shadow's close to his due date, but he knew that he shouldn't be in this much of pain this early before birth.

Commander: Shadow? What's the matter? You seem like you need to rest.

Shadow: *sighs as he rubs his belly* I'm alright commander, I'm just going through some early contractions. It normal for every pregnancy.

Though the commander doubted that. He had many women officers in his base before and had seen them in their pregnancies as well, none of them have been like this, so he's certain that somethings wrong, but he won't tell that to Shadow since every pregnancy is different in many situations such as this, but he will still keep a look out.

Commander: Alright, but I'll still have Topaz keep an eye out for you just in case. Anyway, about your worries for Rouge. Don't worry about her, I have sent out someone to help her just in case she gets captured.

Shadow: Who?

Commander: A friend of yours. Scourge.

Shadow: What? Why Scourge?

Commander: Because he too has speed like Sonic, and has been through the same situations as him in the past, so when ever Rouge is in danger, I know he will be able to save her, also his skills in destroying things while discovering things at the same can come in handy as well.

Meanwhile, Rouge is now right outside of Eggman's base, trying to find a way to sneak in. She hid behind the trees and bushes surrounding the base, until she found an air vent and went in. Unaware of a figure following suit. The air vents were big enough for her to navigate through without needing to crawl, so she easily made her way through until she found Eggman in his command room. He seemed to be happy about something judging by his laughter that echoed through the vents, which that helped her find him faster as she locate where his laughter is coming from, and she finally came to another end of the vent and looked through the gaps to see Eggman looking through some blueprints. As he was looking through them, he was also smiling and and talking to himself about he own succession over it.

Eggman: Yes, that should do the trick, and once it's finished, it'll be able to destroy the entire city and help me create my own, and this will also cause Shadow to have trouble escaping since he's close to his time of labor, in turn will make Sonic worry about not just the city and it's people but Shadow too. Sonic may have been able to destroy my machines back in the past, but now that he's busy with Shadow's pregnancy with his child, he will have a difficult time trying to decide who to help first. It's either the city and it's people, or Shadow and his child alone.

Rouge mentally gasped at what she heard, and waited until Eggman has left the room so she could go and take a better look at what Eggman has on his blueprints. After he left, she opened the vent as quietly as possible before jumping down and landing without as much sound as possible. However, before she could rush over to the huge computer set, she suddenly heard another thud and was grabbed from behind and gently pushed to the wall with a hand covering her mouth before she could scream. She eyes went wide when she saw Scourge, and gave him a confused look.

Scourge: *whispering* To keep it short and quick, commander sent me for back up. Just in case something happens. For Shadow's sake since he feels the same way. *takes his hand away from Rouge's mouth*

Rouge: *whispers back* Okay that explains that, but don't you think it'd be better if you waited outside so you wouldn't get captured with me?

Scourge: Don't worry about that, I got backup. I'm not going to say it just in case Eggman is listening to us right now through some camera or something.

Rouge: Alright but we must get out of here asap. I will get the data from Eggman's computer into this thumb drive, *pulls it out from her pocket* then we will leave. If we get caught, we'll just have to fight our way out, and if that backfires, then your backup plan comes in alright?

Scourge nods and stared keeping a look out while Rouge starts doing her stuff, but as she was working, Scourge could hear Eggman coming back to the room with a few robots with him, and started to feel a little nervous.

Scourge: Hurry Rouge, we're not getting any younger!

Rouge: Trying my best here big boy!

As Eggman got closer, the more nervous the two got as well. Scourge went into a fighting stance as Eggman got closer, and Rouge quickly does the finishing touches she needs. Once everything she needed to do on the computer is complete, she quickly tapped on Scourge's shoulder to signal him to go, and helped him up back into the air vent, just before Eggman opened the door. They sealed up the air vent continued to spy so they could get more information.

Eggman: Grrrr! I should've read the rest of my grandfather's journal earlier! If I did I would've known that Shadow was able to bare a child earlier, and could've done something to Sonic before he ad Shadow had the chance to...UGH! Doesn't matter now! Now I just need to figure out when I can put my plan of changing the world to Eggmanland into action.

Eggman started pacing around the room thinking of the perfect time to strike the city with plan, as he was doing so, Scourge felt like he was about to sneeze and Rouge noticed, so she quickly pinched his nose so he wouldn't have to breath anymore dust in the air and make it worse. Eggman continued to pace for a bit before he finally stopped and smiled while pointing into the air.

Eggman: I know! I will have it three days before Shadow's labor date so Sonic will have even more trouble taking care of his child while saving the world! That'll be perfect!! Now that I have thought of the date, I just to wait for that time now, and in the meantime, I will check everything and make sure that nothing goes wrong.

By the time Eggman left the room again, Scourge finally got the chance to sneeze since Rouge didn't have her hand on his nose anymore, because she started panicking at what Eggman just said and had to hold her head in order to keep herself from going too crazy.

Rouge: Scourge?

Scourge: Yeah? *wipes his nose a little*

Rouge: You heard what he said right?

Scourge: Yes I did, and I don't like it either.

Rouge: We have to go back and quickly tell the commander about this, as well as looking int the blueprints that I got from Eggman's computer to see what he has created and see if we can stop whatever it is with our friends wherever it is before its too late! Let's go!

Rouge immediately started flying through the vent, leaving Scourge behind.

Scourge: Hey! Wait up bats!

And he starts running after her, all the way back to GUN base.


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long, I was busy with a part time job so I had little time for it before, but now I got a week off and will be able to write! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!!

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