Chapter 2

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~Zarmeena's P.O.V~
"I can't believe you're making me do this Leah!" I exclaimed.
"Relax man. We will just say make small talk. Got it?"
"Yeah I guess."
"See ZaZa. I'm a genius!"
"Haha yeah ok."
"I am!" Leah fought back.
"I never said you weren't. Oh my freakin' gosh!!! David is right there. Three feet in front of us. He looks even more handsome closer than sitting at a desk across the class!" I said looking into his ocean blue eyes. I was in a trance. A love trance. Leah, being the idiot she is, pulled me out.
"Girl! Pull yourself together!"
"Right. Yeah. Sorry."
We walked right in front of them. Like right in front of them. So close I could smell David's perfume. Damn...
"Hey Leah," said Aiden when we came.
"Hey Zarmeena,'' he added. He nudged David's arm and David punched his shoulder. Me and Leah exchanged weird looks.
"Hey Aiden, David," Leah replied.
How?! How is this girl so cool around her crush?!
"Hey Zarmeena!" David said looking at me with red cheeks. Wait...he doesn't have a cru-
"So how come you guys are here?" Asked Aiden interrupting my thoughts.
" Uh we...umm....just...-"
"Well just came to ask you if you have played the new season on Fortnite." Leah interrupted me. The boys shook there heads.
"Then you guys should come to my house after school and we can play it together!"
"Im not sure. I'm not really a gamer and I have plans tonight." Said David. I am pissed to the max with Leah! Fortnite?! Really?!
"Aw that sucks. Zarmeena will be there."
"Uh. I will?" I asked confused. Leah shot me a death stare.
"Yeah. Pht I totally will." I said quickly before Leah killed me.
"Oh did I say plans? Yeah I ment tomorrow night. And I love gaming. Just awsome!" David said.
"I'll be there," said Aiden.
"Great! We're all coming." Leah said. The bell rang signalling break is over.
"Bye guys!" I quickly said while dragging Leah by the arm.
"LEAH! What the hell is your problem?! Fortnite?! Ugh I hate you so much! You're such an idiot!" I angrily said.
"Im sorry! It was the first thing that came to my mind. Plus it would be so fun!"
"Fun? Fun?! You call that fun?! That is the complete opposite of fun! Your so embarrassing and uh I hate u so-"
"Ok I get it. Calm down. It will all be fine. When they come, they will go to my room and we will go downstairs and get snacks ready and talk about how FUN it would be. Not how awkward it would be." Leah interrupted.
"Whatever," I replied.
~Period 3~
~Leah's p.o.v~
Me and Zarmeena sat down at the back of the room. Awsome idea because then we can see David and Aiden. Aiden....Aiden....God! How can a human be so perfect?!
"Where's David and Aiden?" Asked Zarmeena. She's so funny when she is near David! All shy and awkward. Sometimes I can't hold my laugh in.
"I don't know. There probably gonna bunk class," I replied.
"David? Aiden? Oh my days. They would never bunk class. Ever!" Zarmeena said in between laughs.
"Well you asked and I gave my thoughts."
"I swear you have the most random and funny thoughts ever known to man kind."
We continued to talk until Mr Jacob- our science teacher- came in.
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Can you please get your pencil cases and books out and turn to page 35."
Mr Jacob is the most awsome teacher ever. He has the best humor ever.
"Sorry were late sir!" Panted David when him and Aiden ran through the door.
"Boys why are you late?" Asked Mr Jacob.
"I left my bag on the soccer field and had to run and get it," said David.
"And what about you Mr Walker?"
"I went with him."
"Your excuses could be better than that boys. It's the freshman's turn in the soccer field today. I may be old but I'm not an idiot. Take a seat and see me in detention after school. Sound good?"
I might have missed the part where Mr Jacob can be a complete dick when he is mad and especially when it comes to attendance.
"Leah! Oh my gosh! They have detention. That's horrible!" Zarmeena whispered.
"Yeah! They can't come over and play with us after school!"
"Forget that man! They are wasting there precious lives in this dump."
"Calm down Zarmeena. It's just detention. It's not the end of the world. People get detention everyday."
"I have the best idea ever!" Zarmeena exclaimed.
"We should get detention and stay with them after school!"
"That's awsome apart from the fact that we have parents that will kill us if we are late home."
"It's only once..." Zarmeena said with a tone she only uses when she is up to no good. She raised her hand and I looked at her in disbelief. I know not to mess with her when she is at this stage.
"Yes Miss Valentine. What do you need?"
"Can I come to the front and demonstrate what I got for question 2 please?"
"What an amazing idea. Be my guest." Said Mr Jacob. What is that girl up to? She walked up to the front and Mr Jacob pushed his chair back giving Zarmeena more space. He gently placed his hot coffee back on his desk and looked at Zarmeena. She picked up the board pen and turned around to face the class.
"Actually...I like this idea better!" She said while grabbing his cup of coffee and throwing it all on him. She then said,
"Come Leah! Let's take a picture with our dear old teacher drenched in hot water!"
"Coming ma bishh!"
I grabbed my phone and ran to the front. At this point, the whole class was chanting and clapping.
Me and Zarmeena stood on either side of our teacher.
"GIRLS SIT DOWN NOW!" Shouted Mr Jacob.
"Make us!" I shouted back. I quickly took the pic then said to the class,
"Guys don't worry! I'm gonna send it to you all!"

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