eighteen | regretfully

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"So y'all fucked?"

"I wouldn-"

"Yes, we did."

Russel took his head in his hands and sighed loudly, obviously displeased.

"Should I ask why?"

Murdoc smirked and nudged 2-D. "Well, I guess we were in the heat of the moment, eh? I mean," he colorfully grunted, "it is what boyfriends do."

"MURDOC!" 2-D shrieked in embarrassment.

Russel gave both of them a disgusted look. "I actually don't want to know, okay? I don't know if y'all are actually bein' serious about your whereabouts from last night but if I'm being honest, I really don't want to know what disgusting shit y'all did."

Murdoc smiled at 2-D, an idea popping into his head. "You don't believe us?" Without letting Russel answer, Murdoc took 2-D by the collar of his shirt and brought him to his lips. Surprised, 2-D let out a squeak. After a few seconds, Murdoc pulled away, "See how he didn't resist?"

"Or maybe he was too scared to because you're such an abusive shithead?"

Murdoc furrowed his eyebrows at the man. "Alright fatass, what about this," Murdoc pinned 2-D against a wall and began kissing his neck. He found this certain place to be his sweet spot last night. Sure enough, 2-D instantly let out a moan.

"As I said before, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW." Russel shook his head as walked off.

Murdoc smirked, turning to 2-D.


"Yes, love?" Murdoc wrapped his arms around the singer's waist, lovingly. "My butt hurts. Not jus' from you... spankin' me, my fuckin' butthole is hurtin'. It feels weird down there," 2-D dug his face into Murdoc's chest. He enjoyed having a boyfriend to do this with. "Well it hurts because you lost your anal virginity," Murdoc chuckled, kissing his soft blue bird's nest. 2-D only grunted. "I love you, D." Murdoc whispered. "I love you too, Mudz."

They released and Murdoc descended the stairs. 2-D smiled as he returned to his room. He threw himself on his bed. He loved this feeling. He felt like he had the perfect life for once. He was the frontman of a famous band, had a boyfriend, had no more worries in his life, was dirty rich (thanks to his boyfriend)...

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod 2-D!" Noodle busted into 2-D's room. "You and Murdoc did the thing?!" Noodle quickly looked out the doorway to make sure no one was listening, "ya know, the nasty?" She whispered.

"What the-"

"I heard Russel yelling at you guys and, you know how I put two and two together," Noodle jumped onto 2-D's bed, the bed frame squeaking in response. "Well I mean, if you've already gotten to the conclusion of it.." 2-D sat up. "So is that an official 'yes, we're anal amigos now'?" Noodle took the collar of 2-D's shirt and started shaking him, excitedly. "We're not necessarily friends wif benefits."

Noodle gasped, "Holy hell! Does that mean you guys are a thing? Boyfriends?!"


"Yes, it does," Murdoc stood in the doorway, a fag between his fingers.

"Wow! What a day! Did you guys kiss each other like 'mwa mwa *slurp* mwa'!" Noodle put her hands together, demonstrating the kiss. Murdoc nodded, "Now sod off." Noodle giggled as she left the two alone.

"Mudzzz why?"

"Why do ya keep calling me 'Mudz'?" Murdoc climbed onto 2-D's bed, hovering over the singer's body. "I Dunno," 2-D pulled on the inverted cross around Murdoc's chest and brought him closer. Murdoc flopped onto 2-D, laying completely flat over his frail body. "oW Murdoc! I still hurt!" 2-D screeched. "Pfft, you also still smell like sex. Did you shower?" Murdoc ran his hand through 2-D's hair. He shook his head. Murdoc made one of his signature noises and cuddled his face into the singer's neck. He began biting softly, tasting the dried sweat that once engulfed 2-D's body. This caused 2-D to squirm. "Oh, calm yourself. You're mine now remember?" Murdoc pinned the man's arms above his head. 2-D didn't resist, although he wasn't  in the mood for this sort of thing. He understood that Murdoc was well enough a sex machine and couldn't be stopped.

Murdoc lowered his head and began littering 2-D's face in soft kisses. He kissed his forehead. He kissed his eyelids. His nose. His cheeks. His jaw. His lips. His chin. 2-D began giggling cutely as Murdoc went back up his face with kisses. He couldn't stop smiling. "I love -giggle- you!" 2-D had no idea how soft Murdoc could be.

Murdoc smiled at 2-D. "Ya know, I'm yours too, okay?"

2-D nodded, the bright smile never leaving his lips.

"Well," Murdoc awkwardly got up and layed down so they were top and tail, "love me." 2-D laughed a little at his request and got up so he was on top of the bassist. He had never been the dominant one, or he hasn't been in a while. As the last relationship he topped was with Paula. It was sort of an unspoken rule for the man to top in a straight relationship.

Nonetheless, 2-D began kissing Murdoc's jaw, roughly trailing the kiss to his neck. Murdoc grunted and held the singer's ass in his hands. He loved the way 2-D was touching him. Without warning, 2-D began biting softly into the man's rough skin. He never settled on one spot, as his goal wasn't to leave a mark. This caused thin coats of saliva to be seen on the man's neck.

"Fuck, D, don't make me horny, damnit," Murdoc separated 2-D's lips from his neck. "I'm sorry," 2-D was about to get up but Murdoc pulled him back down. "It's alright, just be more gentle."

2-D nodded and began cuddling the man. He eventually settled next to him, his legs tangled into Murdoc's and his fingers twirling the greasy emo mullet Murdoc called hair.

After about an hour of small talk the two fell asleep as if it didn't matter that the whole world was about making a ruckus outside the walls of Kong. As if it didn't matter that Noodle and Russ were about. They slept as if it didn't matter that Noodle was recording the last few vocals needed for Dare. They continued to sleep as if it didn't matter that Noodle and Russ decided to release Demon Days in its entirety without them. They continued to sleep because it didn't matter.

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