Drawing #15

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Craig POV
AAAAAAAhhhhhhhh!!!! I hate homework!
It's so boring and not fun.... great description me.
Ugh I would rather be hanging out with the guys or Sami than doing homework...
I look down at my French assignment, why is the language of love so fucking complicated?!

I give up and reach for my phone to text Sami, when I try and open it, a empty battery image pops up in my face.
Shit! I curse under my breath.
I plug my phone so it charges for a bit
Taking the pen I was holding to my lips I think of different ways I could contact her...
Wait! Shit, I'm a dumbass... I take my pen and start writing on my arm
= Hey love how are you doing?=
I wait for a bit, nothing... is she ok?
=Sami you here?=
Nothing again, is she sleeping or something?
I continue writing on my arm, trying to see if she would answer, after about 10 minutes a weird scratchy feeling goes up my arm...
What the fuck is that?!
I look back to my left arm where a =STOP= is rapidly being written
More of them keep appearing being more and more frantic and shaky as if scared or panicked.

Then it stops, nothing.... I jump when my phone rings, displaying Tyler's name on the screen.
I answer, I don't even have time to ask anything when my breath caught in my throat
Help me....
Tyler?! Tyler are you ok? What's going on?!
Nothing, I get no answer, I hang up and immediately call Brock as I put on my shoes.


Brock! No time to explain you need to go see Tyler! Something happened!

What?! Craig what's going on?!

I don't know I was writing on my arms trying to talk to Sami when suddenly a bunch of frantic stop appeared on my arm, then Tyler called me and just said help me before everything went quiet...

Ok ok, I'm on my way to his house, I'll send you his address

I hang up and unplug my phone seeing Brock's text, I get out my house and immediately run to Tyler's place.
Please be ok bud...

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