4. Memory Lane

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Allison woke up and looked around noticing that she was in the woods as she always seemed to be. It was mid afternoon and the sun shone through the trees. She got up, dusted herself off and slowly walked through the trees looking for E.J. He was always around, but for some reason he didn't seem to be anywhere near.

As she made it through the woods she could make out a shed not to far away. She hoped E.J. was there and started walking towards it when she heard someone yelling, no... more like demanding something. She crept around the corner and peeked her head inside where she could see three people. Their was a man and a woman she didn't recognize, but she did recognize the third by his English accent. He was still shrouded in darkness like he was in her last dream, and she felt her blood run cold. She remembered him because this was the man that killed the girl with no remorse. 

"Where are they? You said that you had heard rumors of where they were." The man in darkness shouted pointing a finger towards the two others with a glare in his eyes. "Their close, we know that. We are just working on finding the exact location." Said the man. The man shrouded in darkness sped quickly through the little light that was in the shed and then back into the darkness where he pushed the other man against a wall and started to strangle him. "Do not lie to me Maddox!" He spit in a deadly tone. "If you don't find them soon you'll cease to exist. I'll make you tear out your own eyeballs. Do I make myself clear?" The man howled.

The man in darkness released Maddox and he gulped in all the air his lungs would accept. "I understand." He gasped as he clutched onto his throat. Allison watched the interaction with wide eyes and stepped back slightly. Her heart started to beat rapidly and as she took a few more silent steps back she heard a snap from beneath her feet. 

The man in the darkness whirled around and Allison's heart galloped out of her chest as she stared wide eyed at him. She still couldn't see him well, but she could see a sliver of a smile form onto the man's face. "I'm coming for you." He said before everything faded away. 

Allison jolted awake and placed her hand over her heart as she took deep breathes

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Allison jolted awake and placed her hand over her heart as she took deep breathes. She hadn't had a dream like that in a while and all of the sudden they were back. She had so many questions running through her mind. Where was E.J.?  Why was the man in darkness coming for her? Was he the original? He said he was looking for 'them'? Who else was he looking for?

She picked up her phone and saw that she had a text from Elena. 'Hey, Jenna's having a barbecue and I would love it if you came. I feel like we haven't hung out in a while. - Elena.' Allison texted back that she would be there and was about to set her phone down when she felt her phone vibrating. She looked and saw that Damon was calling. 

"What's up?" She asked. "Come meet me at the Grill." He told her. "I need some help on getting Jenna on my good side since I'm coming over to the family barbecue." "You're going to that?" Allison asked with a smile knowing how much Elena was going to hate that. "Mhmm. Now come on." He said. "Well... I could use a drink."  Allison said as she got up and started going through her drawers looking for an outfit to wear. "Oh we both know you're not coming for the drink." Damon smirked. "You're coming to see the man of your dreams." Allison's smile dropped at his choice of words and she cleared her throat. "Umm yeah. I'll meet you there." She told him before hanging up.

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