chapter 1: The day everything started

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Haru P.O.V

I woke up to see giant people looking at me. 'What the hell? I thought i died?' the people above cooed at me. The woman holding me said "hello haru, I'm sorry i can't be with you. Mommy's very sorry." by now she's crying. I'm guessing I'm a baby now. I look around for a man but there is none. "I wish hikaro was her to see his son." she said sadly. Then the woman next to her said "ma'am, he needs to go. The war will start soon. We're already behind schedule." my mom kissed my forehead then i was taken. A man took me then ran faster than a human should. 'This reminds me of something.... Meh it will come to me' i though. We soon got to a gate with the simble from..... NARUTO OF THE HIDDEN VILLAGE OF THE LEAF! I was put softly on the ground and the man ran away toward where we came from. It was raining when one of the guards woke up seeing me he sprang up and woke the other up saying something i couldn't hear from being wet, cold and tired. I saw one walk to me and felt them pick me up before i passed out.

Im sorry it's short and kinda sucks. Im hoping it's good enough for a first chapter though. Anyway as soon as i update this im working on the next chapter so i hope you enjoy that. Hope you have/had a good day! 😊

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