chapter 1

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Haru's P.O.V

I grabbed my things from my desk and packed it all up. I sigh as i walk out of my work building. I know my parents are rich but they barely spend any on me or give me any so I went to college as early as i could and now i have a really good paying job. [I know he too young to really be out of college and have a great job right away but it's a fanfic so please deal with it] I walk up to the gate that's around the mansion me and my "family" live in. Personally, I would rather have a house as it's easier to navigate and more cozy. I open the gate and walk to the front doors hoping that since it was almost eleven thirty that the everyone was asleep. I opened the door as quietly as i could and hung my stuff up. I took off my shoes before walking up the stairs. I was more than halfway to my room when i passed my eldest brothers room with it cracked open. I tiptoed past it and waited ten seconds before continuing. I do this because sometimes he would beat me up. I tensed as i heard his door squeak open. I saw him come out scared out of my mind. I became scared shitless when i saw he has a knife. I tried to run to my room but he was fast and grabbed me from the back collar of my shirt, pulling me back to him. He pulled so ruffly that I fell to the floor with a 'THUMP' hurting my back like a motherfucker. I saw him get down so he was on top of me and with the hand that wasn't holding the knife, put around my neck. I struggled to get out of his tight grip as he watched me in sick amusement. I heard him chuckle as he brought the knife to my neck making me stop my struggle as it with draw blood. "Well, looks like that made you stop." he said amusingly. I just glared at him while saying "Well no shit, I don't really feel like having my neck be slit open." His amused face turned into annoyed so quick it was sorta funny. I tried so hard to not smile or laugh and thankfully, i didn't. He said randomly "You're a waste of space, you know that? Everyone is going to be glad you're gone." 'I know...' I just stared sadly at the wall the me left as i waited for him to kill me. It was five minutes later that i turned to him again. He was staring at me and when he saw i turned to him he grinned and pulled the knife up and stabbed me in the neck. I held back a scream but groaned as loudly as i could. He laughed and stabbed me in the heart. I barely groaned as i felt myself get colder. I feel him get off of me and hear him walking away still laughing. I felt tears falling down my face as blood ran down my neck and chest. I breathed my last breath wondering what i did to die this way.
Sorry for it not being very good. I tried to add as much detail as i could think about and I'm sorry for taking so long. I hope you enjoyed it and please tell me what you'd like to happen next chapter.

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