Chapter Four: Kisame

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**Warning!: Mature Content/ Profane Content/ Violent Content! Do NOT Read/ Read At Own Risk If Underage! Thank You~**  

         With a rumble from Samehada Kisame slowly came to. Groaning he set himself up as his sword crawled onto his lap and growled lowly. "What is it Samehada? What happened?" He asked while blinking back the sleep from his eyes, clearing them before looking around. "Where is everyone?"

         Quickly jumping up to his feet, gripping Samehada's handle tightly, eyes peeled for anything, friend or foe he scanned his surroundings. "What the..?" He questioned out loud once realizing that no one else lay unconscious in the large metal room nor that they were standing around mockingly. "Hmm... I wonder where they went, or better yet, where I am." He mused. "It wouldn't be in character for Itachi to leave me behind like this." He looked up at the high ceiling of the meeting room, watching the dark windows light up with lightning before a rumble resonated inside the large cylindrical room.

         "A Genjutsu perhaps?" Samehada growled again, wiggling in Kisame's grasp as another flash of lightning illuminated the grand space. "If it is, let's see if we can break it the long way just like Itachi has been teaching us." Kisame grinned down at Samehada enthusiastically before swinging the giant sword onto his shoulder and walking towards the open door, making his way outside into the rain that fell harshly against the platform.

         Without a doubt this storm had become one of the most fierce that Kisame had ever witnessed and having grown up in The Land of Water, that was saying something. Not only did the drops of water fall with such a violent weight but it also poured in all different directions as the wind wiped around the Tower. The gale winds pushed at the metal structure, causing it to creak and groan despite the Tower being firmly rooted in the ground. Metal pipes screamed as air blasted through them, windows and doorways whistled in a high pitch that greatly annoyed Samehada.

         The dangerous living sword curled ever so slightly against Kisame at the painful sounds. "Sorry, Samehada." Kisame cooed to his living sword. "This is an awful storm indeed." He looked up at the pouring rain as it fell onto him while he paused for a moment on the open platform which wrapped around the outside of the Tower.

         Lightning struck one of the conductors, catching the swordsman's eye and for a moment Kisame wondered if they would be electrocuted, standing there outside on a metal platform so close to the lightning rod. The rod did its job though and not a single strand of lightning arched toward the surrounding buildings or the two living beings standing there. Deciding that it was no longer particularly safe to wander around outside this high up Kisame ducked back into one of the open doors to continue his search.

         "Such poor design to have metal buildings where it never stops raining." He mocked with a playful smirk.

         Now soaking wet with his once spiked hair laying nearly flat, Kisame looked around the new room. Nothing of interest immediately jumped out at him and without knowing how the tower looked in the first place he wasn't even sure what it was that he should be looking for in order to break the Jutsu. He had even begun wondering if this even was a Jutsu or if it happened to be something else entirely but the more he thought about it the more he decided that he was in fact in some sort of illusion. After all, it wasn't as if the other members would suddenly betray him, knocking him out only to then leave him laying there unconscious. Though, if it were a Jutsu, then who had cast it? Madara wasn't the type to play games like this so it being a Halloween prank from their true leader was off the table and Itachi was too reserved and respectful to even think of doing something like this.

         "Well Samehada, if this isn't a Genjutsu then what happened to everyone? And if it is, who would have the ability to do it? They would have to know this Tower and Village pretty well with the level of details put in. It's all rather too real, including you." Samehada growled lowly and Kisame smirked. "Perhaps we were attacked and they decided to knock me out first, knowing I'd be the toughest opponent?" Kisame chuckled at his own humour and Samehada gurgled a groan in return. "That wouldn't be it, I know." He grinned playfully as he walked down a flight of stairs. "We would have sensed the new Chakra and battle long ago." He had somehow come full circle now, recognizing the stairs to his left as the ones leading to the open room just outside the meeting room.

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