Chapter Seven: Kakuzu

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**Warning!: Mature Content/ Profane Content/ Violent Content! Do NOT Read/ Read At Own Risk If Underage! Thank You~**  

         With a grunt Kakuzu slowly sat himself up, groaning at the throbbing he suddenly felt in his back. After having a moment to grouch about the new pain he finally looked around, ready to kill whoever had knocked him out. To his great annoyance, he realized that he was the only one there in the large metal meeting room. Not only did he not understand what had happened, but he also awoke to find he had been left behind by the other members.

         Not that he expected anything else, of course. You can't count on other people, only money. Which after this stunt he was going to find Pein and demand a larger sum for his services.

         Standing up stiffly he began walking towards the open door on the other side of the room. Pein's office was located up the stairs and he was going to have a word, immediately. Not even caring that the other members were missing or what had happened to them, Kakuzu began his assent higher up the Tower.

         Not even halfway up the long staircase, Kakuzu had to stop and take a breather. "This isn't right." He grumbled as he steadied himself against the railing. "These few stairs shouldn't cause me this much fatigue." Letting his breathing settle Kakuzu then continued, making it to the top of the stairs with some difficulty. 'I guess my age is starting to catch up.' He thought as he knelt down, supporting himself with the wall as he tried, once more, to catch his breath. 'Damn it.'

         Standing back up he continued his way down the corridor to Pein's office. The storm outside raging on; lightning flashing and irritating his vision, thunder booming and irritating his hearing. The puddles splashing underneath were causing his feet to go cold and the dampness of the Village had been causing his joints to ache. Angrier than anything about the way his body was acting Kakuzu could only assume one of the hearts he had were now coming to the end of their usefulness.

         "Pein, we need to talk," Kakuzu demanded as he swung the door open to his Leaders office, though when he stepped inside he did not find Pein. Just as it always was, the space used as an office was chaotically organized; scrolls, books and loose papers stacked on Peins desk and to the sides, filling multiple shelving units. Kakuzu was used to seeing this room as he was often in the Tower, either physically or by the Magic Lantern Jutsu Technique, discussing strategies or funds with the Leader.

         Looking around the Leaderless room Kakuzu noticed a secret door behind a shelf which had been cracked open just slightly. 'I wonder what's in there.' He pondered as he let curiosity run its course.

         Carefully making his way towards the shelving the old miser gradually pushed the large door open and peered around the corner. 'I'm not sensing anyone in there.' Deciding that he was indeed alone Kakuzu made his way through the door and up another set of stairs, grumbling to himself the whole way about how this place was an annoyance to get around and how he hated coming here.

         Approaching the end of the small secret stairway the elder member of the Akatsuki found the vault containing the Akatsuki Treasury. This was Pein's secret money vault where all the money the members raised was kept in order to be used later for whatever missions they were to be sent on. The walls and floor were lined with cases and stacks of money as well as a few rare and valuable looking items.

         Kakuzu scoffed at the disregard for the safety of the money by leaving the secret door to the vault room open, as well as the vault door itself. Looking around Kakuzu also noticed how nothing was organized meaning that nothing had been properly counted and arranged by what needed to be paid. "That Pein, he must come in here only to count what is needed right away. No regard for a proper system where you know what money you are spending. It needs to be counted so you are aware of what you have left over as profit or what can be put towards other necessities."

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