CHAPTER THREE: Trust and hope

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I woke early one morning to my phone ringing, the prolonged scream that was the beginning of black veil brides "Perfect Weapon" waking me with a start. I giggled to myself before looking at the caller id:

"Hey nanna!" I smiled, the woman at the other end of the phone sounded excited.

"Jessi-Bear!! Guess what?!" she yelled down the phone, I pulled away slightly before laughing.

"Tell me nanna!" I laughed.

"I've got tickets to come and see you live! Front-row seats!!" She said, I could almost see her smiling at me.

"Yayyyyy!! I can't wait to see you again! Maybe I'll even manage to get you backstage?" I said grinning, before Roman's head poked out from around my door he looked at me and winked, I looked down and saw that I had only a bra on, my bottom half was covered by my blanket. I pulled my blanket over myself in a hurry before blushing.

"Hang on nan. I'll call you back." I said putting the phone away.

"Yes Roman?" I asked, smiling as he walked in and sat on the foot of my bed.

"Seths making breakfast, I just wanted to make sure that I was correctly making your toast, lightly toasted with no butter, lots of Nutella and sprinkles?" He asked, still smirking. All I could do was smile.

"I can't believe you remembered!" I exclaimed, blushing. He came and cuddled up next to me, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Of course I remembered, Jessi. You're my best friend, remember." He sighed against my neck. I turned in his arms, resting my head on his chest.

"I missed this... I missed us... I missed you..." I breathed, hoping that he didn't hear me.

"So did I Jess, so did I." He mumbled into my hair. I blushed and buried my face into his chest, he chuckled. I pulled away to look into his deep blue-grey eyes, his hand brushed against my cheek and his face inched closer to mine.

"Jessi, there's som-"

"BREAKFASTS READYYYY!" Yelled both Dean and Seth as they barged in through the door and jumped onto my bed with two plates of toast each, Roman and I both frowned at them before reaching for the food.

"It's JUST how you like it Jess!" Grinned Seth, looking proud of himself.

"Lightly toasted with no butter, lots of Nutella and sprinkles?" I asked him, his smile didn't leave his face, I inspected the food. I smiled, he'd done well, it was a little too browned, but I could deal with that.

After we finished breakfast, we went into town, we looked around the shops and visited the park. I smiled as I watched three grown men playing on the slides and on the swings. They clambered over the monkey bars, falling continuously and laughing like little children. Roman came and sat with me. His arm rested around my shoulders and I sighed.

"I'm sorry about what happened between you and Randy. I can't believe that he would do that to you, if you were mine. I wouldn't do that to you. I wouldn't care if you weren't ready, I'd just want you to be happy." He said, looking away.

"I regret it, I wish I never left you guys in NXT." I said, a tear forming in the corner of my eye.

"I wish you hadn't either." He said, still not looking at me.

"I also wish that I were ready to try again, I wish that I could feel better and trust properly again..." I frowned and looked at him, remembering that morning, he had been about to say something to me.

"What were you going to say, this morning? before breakfast." I asked. That's when his phone started ringing.

"Hello? Oh hello Mr. McMahon, how can I help you?" He asked, his sounded uninterested.

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