4. you're a huge flirt

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Ten woke up and tried to stretch but found himself wrapped up in strong arms

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Ten woke up and tried to stretch but found himself wrapped up in strong arms. He moved slightly only to bump against Johnny's chest. The steady beat of his heart made Ten smile sleepily. He was aware that Johnny had rested his chin against his head. He closed his eyes with contentment, wanting to remember this moment, to stop time and trace this feeling onto his memory.

When last night, he had sidled back into Johnny and Taeyong's room, he'd been sure he would be kicked out.

"Psst, Johnny? Are you awake?" he had whispered.

"No," came Johnny's sleepy voice.

Ten stood on the doorway. "The couch is uncomfortable."

Johnny didn't say anything but the light from the corridor outside the room was just enough for Ten to see Johnny scoot closer to the wall, raising the bed covers. Then a low mumble, "Okay, Tennie."

Ten punched the air and rushed to Johnny's side, settling in under the covers against him.

By the time, he remembered to say good night, Johnny was already asleep but he whispered it to him anyway, just happy to be close to him.

Ten shifted so he could look at Johnny. He looked so peaceful right now. It reminded him of other days, other early mornings...a time that seemed so far away now that it felt almost unreal. Back when he had been surer, when things had seemed to be moving on a path he could see the direction of, when he had known Johnny like the palm of his hand. He missed that, he missed what they could have been.

"What changed, Johnny?" he wanted to ask. Instead, he breathed in Johnny's warmth and was grateful for this absolute trick of fate because moments like these, they had been neither very possible nor very common for the two of them in a while.

Ten frowned as he saw the slight dark circles that had appeared under Johnny's eyes. He must be working very hard. He felt guilty as he realized that dinner last night had probably eaten a chunk out of what little rest Johnny could have got. His eyes followed the wave of a stray curl that rested against Johnny's forehead. He was so beautiful.

With an almost painful jolt, he realized just how deeply he loved Johnny. He eased himself out of the tangle of Johnny's arms slowly, placing one of Johnny's usual plushies in place and got up. Jumping in shock on hearing Johnny's alarm ring, he reached for it and quickly silenced it, heart beating at the sudden noise that had startled the peaceful dawn.

It was six o'clock in the morning. Who even woke up at that time?

He looked fondly at both Johnny and Taeyong and decided they could afford another half an hour's sleep. He tip-toed out of the room, still yawning and wishing he hadn't lost his sleep so early in the morning. He must have been sitting in the kitchen for around twenty minutes—owlishly staring in the distance, sipping coffee—when a fully-dressed Jaehyun walked into the kitchen, whistling a cheery tune.

Ten Past Six | Johnten NCTWhere stories live. Discover now