10. the plot thickens

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Kun groaned as his phone woke him up, ringing shrilly

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Kun groaned as his phone woke him up, ringing shrilly. It had been quite a busy night and it was not even seven yet, judging by the clock in his room. He reached for his phone, wondering who wasn't letting him sleep.

"Doyoung, I'm sleeping," he said, voice hoarse.

"Kun, come over right now."

Kun sat up, hearing the serious tone of Doyoung's voice. "Is everything okay? Is it the members?"

"No, it's you. Dammit, what were you thinking, Kun?"

Kun felt a dread set in at the bottom of his heart. He immediately knew what Doyoung was talking about. He just knew. "I'm coming over."

He dressed quickly, way too quickly for someone whose mind was a whirlwind of quick thoughts and questions, thinking explanations and excuses knowing very well that it was the truth he would have to finally own up to.

He woke up Lucas. "Hey, there's an emergency. You're the designated adult until I'm back."

Lucas blinked. "Wha—Is everything okay? Is there something I can help with?"

Kun smiled at him. "Nothing I can't manage, I hope. Just take care of stuff here, okay?"

"Of course. Call me if you need anything."

"I'll get going then. Bye."

Lucas walked with him till the door and gave him a packet of chips. "Don't go hungry."

Kun waved at him and closed the door behind him.

Lucas looked around the empty living room and said to himself, "I guess, I should fix up breakfast for the kids then." He didn't really know what to make except for ramen so he woke up Jaemin who nodded, sleepily, before getting up to make some coffee, cereal and toast for everyone.

Lucas knocked on Ten's door. "Ten hyung, you didn't even have dinner. You have to eat some breakfast at least. Just let me give you a tray of food."

And even though Ten was quite awake and quite hungry, he was too miserable to face the others. So, he said a mild, "I'm not hungry."

Lucas sighed. "Okay, that's it." He turned to the dreamies. "Let's find a YouTube tutorial on how to pick locks and just..."

"Break into his room and drag him out?" Renjun's eyes lit up. Chensung cheered.

"Not drag him out exactly. A milder version maybe?"

And that was how they ended up picking the lock of Ten's room. Before Ten could even say anything, Lucas was slipping into his room after having told the kids, "Let me handle this. You all eat breakfast."

Lucas stopped after he closed the door behind him because the room was in a mess. "What happened?"

Ten was sitting on the bed, glaring at him. "How dare you break into my room?"

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