This place! (Keith's pov and Lance's pov)

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'I should probably stop training before I go to sleep.' I thought as I to out of bed cracking all my aching bones from getting punched and kicked a lot.

After that, I smelled something really good. Hunk must be cooking something for breakfast. I looked at myself, knowing the fact that I fell asleep in the clothes that I wore for training.

I changed into a pair of black short leggings, a dark grey crop top that stopped near where my leggings meet, and my regular jacket, gloves, and boots. I'm happy that Allura found some clothes that suit me, the clothes that I wore after I turned into a girl, I gave it back to Allura telling her that I don't feel comfortable.

I walked into the dining hall to see everyone else minus Allura and Coran, who are probably looking for anyone who would need help.

"Pidge, stop hogging the bacon"




"What is happening?" I decided to say something.

"Oh, hey Keith. Not much just Pidge trying to take all the bacon, Lance wanting some, and Shiro being a dad." Hunk replied looking relieved. He is making something that looks like an omelet. With that, I took a seat next to Lance.

'Why is my beating like crazy when I'm near Lance?'  I placed my hand onto my chest, my heart is beating like crazy. I was able to calm down when Hunk places a huge plate of space omelet in the middle of the table.

"Enjoy" Hunk smiled while sitting down. Grabbing two plates for himself and me.

"Thanks, Hunk"

"No problem Keith."

Hunk and I started eating, Hunk, Pidge, and Lance started to talk about the weird things that happened in the Garrison's, and to be honest I knew that Pidge was a girl before I got booted. Shiro found out through Matt, but I found out myself. I told them the night that they told the rest of the team and they got really emotional.

"Lance, your face is all red." Shiro's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"And, why are you looking at Keith?"

"Shiro, I was admiring him...her...them? What pronouns do you want to go by?"

"I guess any would do fine."

"Well, can we call you Keira then?~"

"Lance, chill."

"Come on Hunk. I just want to be sure."

"You guys can call me Keira."

"Lance before you ask, no, I still want to be called Pidge."


After that, we resumed breakfast. Hunk, Pidge, and Lance continued their conversation.

"Paladins, we need you at the control room!" Allura's voice blasted over the coms.

We all ran to the control room to see Allura and Coran looking at a holographic map.

"Allura, Coran, what's happening?" I turned to look at my older brother and his facial expression shows that he his very concerned.

"A nearby planet is being attacked by the galra." Allura replied to Shiro's question. I took a look at the map, and the planet is red, which is something different.

"Allura, whys the planet red?" Hunk's voice pulled me to face him, and then Allura. Who looks both concerned and confused.

"I don't know. Neither does Coran."

'Well, fuck'

"Ok team lets head to our loins,  save them, and make sure that they're safe." Shiro announced.

We head to our assigned shutes. After entering red, I flew out to see everyone else out. After Shiro told us the plan to stop the galra, we head in to fight.

~Time skip, because I don't do fight secens~

 After we defeated the fleet, we all headed down to help the inhabitants. When we got out, they looked at us, like we just committed a crime.

"Black paladin?" What I'm assuming is the leader.


"Why do you have two females fighting, when they should be cooking and cleaning?" 

'Oh, he just reached a whole new type of fucking low'

"Keira and Pidge help was with a lot of things. And half of our team have female fighting to stop the galra." Shiro explained.

"But, females must know their place."

Lance speaks before anyone else can.

"Sir, they risk their lives for everyone while fighting Zarkon's empire. Never backs out from the fight and refuse to give up, without them we might as well be dead."

'Why is my heart beating fast? Is Lance still my crush, even though I got booted?'

I smiled, knowing that Lance is not afraid to speak up for people.

"Are the females ok with fighting?" Finally, he's figuring out.

"Yes, both Pidge and Keira ok with fighting. They both fight harder than any one of us." Shiro answers his question while smiling.

"I do believe that we owe the ones in green and red an apology." Their leader said and then looks at both Pidge and me.

"Eh, we had way worse. And you really don't need to apologize." Pidge stated.

~time skip~

Shiro's been talking to the leader for a few hours, Pidge and Hunk have been geeking out over the technology that they have. Lance... I don't know where Lance is. I heard about the market that they have and decided to take a look at it.

I started to head to the market and before I got there, I smelled something. It wasn't food or anything edible, but it didn't smell bad or anything. It smelled sweet. 

"Keira, look out!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to see Lance pushing me out of the way. We both landed a good distance away from where I was standing, I then looked up to see a blast that would have hit me if Lance didn't push me out of the way.

"That was close. Are you ok though?"

I know my eyes are open and I can hear him, but I can't even see anything. 

"I'm ok, but I can't see anything." Even though I can't see, I know that Lance is not smiling. My head feels like its getting smashed into the ground with a giant hammer and before I knew it, I passed out.

Lance's Pov

Keith or Keira just passed out after she told me that she couldn't see anything. I got off of her, picked her up, and ran to find someone who could help. 

'The blast must have something to do with him or her being unconscious' I thought to myself as I carried Keith to the main town that most of the inhabitants live.

~time skip brought to you by my social akwardness~

After about 20 or so minutes of trying to find someone who can help Keira or Keith. I heard a groan. Looking down, I saw Keith's face looking as if he was in pain.

'Oh shit'


Hi, I know that I haven't been posting a lot, but high school and other activities are a pain in the butt. During winter break I'll try to post a chapter. The next book that I explained is going to take a while because I need to do research. So yay. Bye

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