Chapter 1

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" more for me." Harry rushed to cover his glass with his hand before Ron could add more fire whiskey to it.  

Ron groaned as he went on to top up Charlie's, George's and his own. "You've only had one."

Harry leaned closer to object. "After eating a huge Christmas dinner!". He waved towards the dining room, where the rest of the family was still chatting and laughing over coffee.

George took a long sip from his glass, and shook his head. His brown eyes twinkled with good humour and intoxication. "We all ate a lot. That's no excuse. And Charlie and I are older than you..."

Before Charlie could jump in, Harry held up his hands in surrender. "OK, OK...perhaps the Potter bloodline isn't as good as the Weasley one for devouring holiday meals and drinking to excess."

"I don't think it's that at all." Ron finished off his drink, definitely showing signs of being at the happy drunk stage. "I think you are simply exhausted from work and all those bloody charity functions."

George nodded in agreement. "All work and no play makes Harry a dull boy." Although two years older than Harry, he still ran around like he had at Hogwarts, enthused over new ideas.

Harry sighed. There never seemed to be enough hours in the day, and he barely had time to sleep a few hours a night before he was getting up again for work.

Charlie smirked. "I have an idea. Ron, is Dad's computer running?" The muggle machine was a little touch and go, being powered with magic instead of electricity and the charm to connect it to WiFi a bit unreliable.

Ron nodded as he shared a big grin with his brother. He led them into their father's workshop area, and he soon had the machine on. They crowded around as Charlie typed on the keyboard.

Harry could hardly catch of glimpse of the screen, with tall Ron and George in the way. He felt a bit queasy, not liking the chuckles and odd comments he was hearing. The brothers, when a bit drunk, could push each other further than they would go on their own. Doing something to bug Harry, practically their adopted brother, made them even crazier in their ideas.

"Oh yes! That's perfect!"

"One time, or a package?"

"He needs more than one session. Have you seen him?"

They were laughing hard, nudging shoulders, not letting Harry get too near. Finally, Charlie clicked a few last keys and they all stepped back to let Harry see the screen, watching him closely for his reaction. Barely suppressed sniggers and chuckles came periodically from all of them.

Harry had a computer at home, a gift from Arthur, but he had hardly found time to play around with it much. He knew the basics.

Now he stared at the screen, trying to see what the Weasley boys had done. It was on a website with a dark red background, and images of many barely dressed attractive women and men.

"Bedknobs and Broomsticks? Where all your carnal cravings are catered to?" Harry read out, outraged. "That's a-a..."

"House of Ill Repute?" George smirked.

"Den of Iniquity?" Ron jumped in.

"A whorehouse, a cathouse, a brothel." Charlie summed up with a saucy wink at Harry. He was probably the most drunk of the three men, with every gesture exaggerated and overly dramatic.

George pointed at the screen. "Look. We ordered you a package."

Harry was too shocked to do anything but lean closer to read the fine print aloud. "Orientation with our Madame, and twelve sessions with our highly screened professionals, trained to satisfy your every need."

He stood back up, glaring at the men surrounding him. "You think I'm so hard up that I need to go to a-a-"

"Sex Worker."

The men helpfully supplied the word Harry couldn't seem to get out. He just shook his head at their unabashed audacity.

Charlie shrugged. "Look, this is a clean, safe place. A friend of mine goes there often. He's too busy to have a girlfriend or a wife, so finds this a good alternative."

He hit the print button and soon passed Harry a piece of paper with all the details.

George gave him a thump on his back. "Just go. Have some fun." He turned back to the computer with Charlie, joking around together as they watched a video of a cat in a shark costume.

Ron pulled Harry off to the side, taking the paper and folding it up. "Harry, I know it's a bit crazy, but when's the last time you just did something for yourself?" He shoved the paper into Harry's pocket, speaking softly. "It's confidential. We won't tell anybody. I won't even tell Hermione."

His tone was concerned and sincere now, and Harry could only stare back at him for a long moment or two. Did they actually think he needed this?

Eventually, they rejoined the party, the brothers often subtly teasing Harry about their gift. He left not long after that, thanking Molly and Arthur for the meal. Giving everyone tight hugs before he floo'd back to Grimmauld Place.

In the privacy of his own bedroom, he looked closer at the sheet of paper. The guys had acted so casual about it. Was this something men actually did, normal men? Charlie always seemed busy with his work too, and didn't seem to have relationships. Was that what he did? It was his idea, after all. But wasn't Charlie gay?

Looking again at the paper, Harry read it over carefully. There were pictures of attractive women and men on it. Did that mean they had male sex workers also?

Harry swallowed hard at the idea. Since things had fizzled with Ginny, he had tried dating a few different women, but it hadn't gone anywhere. Eventually, he had faced up to the reality he was more attracted to men than women. Being Harry Potter, it had been hard to get opportunities to test this out. To make sure. And he wanted to be certain before he came out as gay to his friends, or before it leaked to the press.

Maybe here was that chance. He could go a dozen times to this- this- place, and try everything. Learn from a professional.


-A/N: A crazy story that will likely be at least 12 chapters long. It is a very slow burn, with lots of twists and turns. There will be some mild BDSM scenes, but mostly vanilla sex. I have rough draft done of the first few chapters and will hopefully be posting at least weekly, if not more often.

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