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I can't be late, Not again

  Being a teacher had you crazy, it's only the second week and you were already tired of having to wake up at 5:00 and being practically always late.

-He is going to fucking kill me, I know it.
  You grabbed your keys and your phone as fast as you could and went to the car.
-Fuck, the folders!
  You ran again into your house  and got the folders you already prepared yesterday and got back on the car.


  You finally made it to school after a long trip of passing red lights and going faster than you should but above all,  you managed to get on time to school.
-Y/N, come over here please.
  You hear someone calling you from behind.
  Wishing it wasnt the headmaster you turn around with a smile in your face.
-Mr.McLoughlin!, Good morning, What would you want?.
  You were super nervous, the idea of him fireing you made you want to get the fuck out of there.
-There's going to be a new teacher...
  Oh no, He already replaced you?, That fast?
-Mrs.Y/S, Are you listening?
  His voice got you out of your thoughts. Now you were even more nervous if that was even possible.
-Yes sir!, Totally!.
-Sure... Well, As I was saying there's a new teacher coming since Mrs.Price decided to quit. I was hoping you could show her around, Her name is Amy Nelson an she will be teaching P.A.
-It would be a pleasure Sir.
  You never felt so relieved in your life, and it felt amazing.
-Great, Stay here I'm going to look for her.
  You sited in a bench wich was near the zone you and Sean just talked. Although you to were good friends, When you were in the school, Working, Both of you prefered being called by each other like "Mr./Mrs. Surname".
  Five minutes passed and you saw Sean coming throw the  hall. He was  with a girls who you supposed was Amy Nelson, the new teacher.
  She was only some inches shorter than Sean, shee had brown hair, And she was waring a Grey sweater with some jeans.
-Hey, I'm Amy!
  The first thing that caught your attention was that she didn't seemed to be a serious person or at least a formal one, And the second thing, Was his very, very sweet voice.
-Hi I'm Y/N Y/S. It's a pleasure meeting you.
-Well I'll let the two of you alone,  Y/N don't worry about your classes and your students, I already puted a substitute with them.
  I smiled when I heard that he called me by my real name.
  And he got back to his office that was a few feets away.

  He let the two of us alone and I started talking.
-Well, First of all, don't expect me to tell you anything about the  history of the school  because I don't know anything about it so forget it.
  She laughed, Oh my god her laugh was super cute. I couldn't help to smile.
-Just, Show me around, maybe later we could, I don't know, Hang out?.
  That idea was just amazing, not only because the girl wich was asking you this was hot and cute, but because you really needed a break.
-I would love to. Cmon let's get going.

-Most of the teachers here are really nice, For example there is Felix the history teacher, I don't know how to pronounce his surname so don't ask for it, And Marzia Bis-Something the art teacher, They got engaged a few days ago.
Mr.McLoughlin is dating Mrs.Hansen the English teacher too for example.
I have a lot of more stories but we will save them for another day. Tell me about you.
-Well, I am single, My favorite color is white , I have a dog named Chica and... I don't know, I guess that's all.
  She let a small laugh out and you practically died. You were falling for this girl really hard.
-Well I'm not that different really... Here, This is the gym.
  You said as you opened the gates of the big gymnasium.
-Right now your future students are having classes in the patio, Sometimes you will have to do classes there so le... What are you doing?.
  You started laughing pretty hard. Amy was upside-down hanging from a rope.
-This place is amazing! I've never even saw a place like this before, it's incredible!
-I'm glad you like it, I have to say that it is pretty cool, I never got the time to see it properly for myself.
  You started looking around all the stuff that was in the gym and you had to admit you were amazed.
-Come with me!
  You hear Amy said while he was still in the rope but now "Properly" If you could say it a way.
-Are you crazy?! Don't even think about it!.
  It wasn't that you were scared or anything you were just really lazy for doing something like that.
-What are you?!, a chicken Y/N?!
-Oh you will wish you never said that Amy nelson!
  You started to climb the rope when while you were half way through it you saw a really big pile of sponges laying on the ground floor and an idea came to your head.
-Amy I'm not su-AHHHHH!
  You let yourself fall into the sponges.
  You stood still with your eyes closed while you hear Amy running towards you.
  When you heard him really near you You stopped breathing. You felt something in your stomach, Or well, A little bit higher.
  He really tought you weren't breathing?, Ha!,  Karma Amy!, You were just about to open your eyes when you fell Amys lips connect with yours giving you air but after a few seconds of assimilating the situation became a kiss.
  The two of you got separated and stared right into the others eyes.
  Shit the students were about to come.
-End of the classes the students will come, cmon, Get up!, you are on top of me I can't stand up!
  You said while laughing although what just happened wasn't really funny but you enjoyed a lot.
-Calm down girl, Let me take my time, Ok?.
  She said while standing up and handing you a hand.
  You gladly took it and filled being pulled after filling a hand around your waist.
-I really, really, Like you Y/N.
-Me too Amy, Seriously.
-Would you go on a date with me?.
  He asked while resting his forhead in yours.
  A big smiled grow in his face as he started to spin you around.

What a day.


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