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Dallas got into a fight and was in the hospital. You went to go see him. When you got there he was laying in the bed beat up pretty bad. He was sleeping and you didn't want to wake him so you grabbed a chair and sat next to him. You held his hand and just looked at him. You hated seeing him all cut and bruised up so you started to cry. You laid your head on his hand then felt a squeeze.

"Y/n? Is that you?" He said groggily.
You sat up and looked at him.

"Yeah, Dal. It's me."

He let go of your hand and patted the bed for you to sit on it, so you sat beside him on the bed and he wrapped his arm around your waist.

He looked at you. "Why are you crying, doll?" He pushed your hair out of your face.

"I hate seeing you like this." You said tears running down your face.

He wiped them away with his thumb.

"Oh babe, I'll be okay. You know I'm tough."

"Yeah, I know. I just hate it when you fight. What if one day you get killed? I can't lose you, Dallas"

He put his hand on your cheek and said "you're not gonna lose me, I'm not going anywhere."

You rolled your eyes.

"Don't get wise." He joked.

You smiled at him. "Oh hush."

He pulled you down to lay next to him. You laid your head on his chest, he had one arm around your waist and one playing in your hair.

You put your head up and just looked at him running your hand through his hair.

"What?" He said.

"Nothing." You grabbed his cheek and softly kissed him trying not to hurt him since he was cut up on his face.

He pulled away, looked at you and smiled. "What was that for?"

"I missed you and just wanted to kiss you. Is that okay?"

"Hell yeah it is!" He said grabbing your face to kiss you again.

"You have soft lips." You said rubbing your thumb across his lips. He bit his bottom lip along with your thumb.

You were staring at him. His brown eyes making you fall even more in love with him.

"What now?" He asked.

You grabbed his cheek and looked him dead in the eyes and said "I love you, Dallas Tucker Winston."

He bit his lip again, he loved it when you said his full name. He smiled and grabbed your face.

"I love you too, y/f/n."

You kissed him again then laid your head back on his chest, running your fingers up and down it. His hand was in your hair and the other was gripping your waist.

"I'm glad you came, y/n. I missed you. I know it's not the best way to see me but I'm glad to have you in my arms again." He said kissing your forehead.

You were the only person Dallas was soft with and he knew you'd never tell a soul.

"Me too, Dally. Me too." You smiled.

You gave his chest a kiss then you both fell asleep.

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