Hope Mikealson or as she is known as Hope Mcall was given away when she was a baby in order to be protected by the dangers her family holds. The only one that knows where she was for the past 17 years is josh but he disappeared years ago . Now that...
I 'm in my room casually listening to music and sketching on my pad while thinking of how quite its been lately , maybe we would for once concentrate on normal teenage drama like what grades are you gonna get on chemistry or will mum let got to the party or prom or how the hell did I develop a crush on stiles or my brother is an annoying idi-...........did I just say I have a crush on stiles ?of all people ?what the actual fu-
well I didn't have time to think of it when my door opened and in came my amazing brother
note to sarcasm
and ,oh would you look at that,Stiles biiiig surprise there ,there always together its kind of annoying
''HOPE'' holy...
''no need to shout''i exclaimed clutching my heart''what do you want?''
''my dad just came home and told my about those new murders ,bodies drained of blood there was like 6 of them and he was wondering if it was anything supernatural ''stiles said In one breath
''so much fro peace and quite '' I muttered under my breath but of course Scott heard and gave a sheepish smile.''so what do you think is it ?'' I asked while they made themselves comfortable Scott on mu desk chair and stiles beside me on my bed
''well we were hoping you knew''scott said rubbing the back of his neck
''what do you mean?''
''well I know only one thing that drinks blood and its kinda part of what you are soooo''stiles smiled as he got under the covers with me
''vampires''i breathed'' stiles'' I said and he looked at me with an innocent face and those eyes oh I could get lost in those chocolate brown eyes snap out of it hope ''what are you doing?''
''I'm cold '' he said with a pout I just groaned and rolled my eyes.
''you should go to deaton's''i said to scott and he got up
''your not coming ?''he questioned me as he walked to the door
''nop''I said popping the 'p'
''still holding a grudge for that vervain huh ?'' stiles said with raised eyebrows and my brother shook his head ,laughing as he walked out,soon enough I heard his bike leaving
''it was painful'' I pouted and stiles laughed more while catching my bottom lip in his hand
''don't pout '' he said still holding my lip and leaning closer I must be a tomato right now
''stiles''i tried to say but it came out muffled giving him a fake glare and hi just chuckled and let go of me I leand my head on his shoulder and sighed ''what if the next body is someone we know ''I whispered and closed my eyes to avoid the tears on my next thought''what id its you?'' I askes my voice barely above a whisper.
'shhh... it wont'' he said ''I've got a bat remember?'' he said and I let out a small laugh '' what were you drawing ?;;he asked changing the subject
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'' I miss her '' I say and he looks at me with a sad expression
''we all do''
I wake up on something warm and breathing...?
''they are so cute '' I hear a voice that sounds a lot like Lydia's say
''I have mixed feelings about this'' says mum?i think? I slowly open my eyes and see some ....hair not mine ....whaat? I sit up only to for the arm around me to grip me tighter and roll over on top of me. my eyes widen and I feel the blush on cheeks as I realise that's stiles
on top of me
with Lydia and mum in the room
in matter of seconds I push stiles off of me and he land on the floor with a loud groan only to realise that was a bad move since he was still hugging me and ended up o top of him on the floor in a tangled mess of legs ,hand ,pillows and sheets
''uggghh...wh-what Is going on?'' stiles says opening his eyes to find mine staring at him
that continued for a while until
''I was going to say dinners ready but I ah see your busy'' mum said and spun around to leave the room
me and Stiles on our feet Immediately after that only to find Lydia smirking at me with a knowing look ,i looked at my feet and cleared my throat awkwardly
lets just say it was an awkward dinner for me ,stiles and mum .Lydia smiling like the Cheshire cat
where the hell is scott the one time I need him?
later that night I was watching tv with mum''so where's scott?''
''on a date with Kira''
''so you and Stiles''
''mum''i whine ''nothing is going on''
''but you like him''she looks at me with that look''right?''
''is it that obvious?''i ask looking a tiny mix of worried ,helpless and confused
''honestly I am surprised that it didn't happen sooner''i gape at her as her phone move and she answers it ''hello?''
''hey Melissa'' the sound of my aunt sounded on the other ,well not really my aunt shes not related to Melissa or Raphael shes the one that helped mum with my adoption though
''hey Bonnie'' mum said happily ''how are you?''
'' I am great ,I was thinking of a visit ''
''of course when are you thinking of coming ?''
''maybe next week or Monday?''
''please I am surrounded by baboon's I need you here'' I said to her and they both laughed while scott who just walked in had a wounded puppy face on
''HEY''he said offended
''love you too scotty''i blow him a kiss
''well I will be coming soon I will also help you with your magic hope'' aunty bon-bon said shocking us all'' well from the way none of you are talking I say you didn't expect me to know?''
''how did you'' I began not knowing what to say
''I am a with too hope look I got to go I will explain when I get there bye''she said chuckling a bit
''bye?'' we said back and hung up
''well .....I am going to bed''Scott said and walked upstairs leaving me and mum awestruck downstairs trying to understand what just happened