Chapter Two: Red and Black

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"What kind of moves are we talking about?"

Staring into her locker as if the book that she was searching for would just jump out for her her Megan let out a heavy sigh reaching her hand inside taking a textbook out. "Come on, it should be here somewhere," she muttered under her breath tuning out the conversations of the people that walked on past down the hallway. Throwing the textbook she had pulled out back into the locker closing her eyes at the sound of the hardback book striking at the metal. She hadn't thrown it with much force or so she thought until she had heard the impact. Taking a moment to let herself calm down the stress of just everything that had happened over the last few days of the summer still has a tight hold on her.

"First the disappearance of Jason Blossom and now a new kid whose father tied up with criminals, this year isn't going to be like any other. I can tell you this much," the voice of a female student gossiping to her friend as she walked past Megan down the hallway.

"Keep your voice down what if someone hears you," her friend warned her lowering their own voice but it was clear from what Megan could see by how the other students around them had tensed up the warning didn't matter much. What she had said about Jason Megan knew would have people talking. Anyway when it came to that family got people in Riverdale talking but it was what she had said about a new student which had drawn her attention towards them. It could've been that they were talking about the Lodge girl whose father had been all over the news lately and most likely was who they were talking about. The twist of worry in the pit of her stomach through said otherwise. "Tobias," she whispered before shaking her head a little trying to shake the thoughts forming inside. She needed just to get the day over with first without adding more problems onto her plate than she already had.

The hallway went quiet for a moment all the people talking in the background had went silence the only noise being the sound of footsteps making their way towards the line of lockers which Megan was standing at. The hairs on her arm stood up as an uneasy feeling washed over her she turned to bring her gaze away from the locker towards the source of the footsteps. Striding down towards her was none other than Riverdale's very own Red queen Cheryl. Without noticing Megan's head turned to face her as she stopped in front of her own locker only a couple down from hers. "What are you staring at?" Cheryl questioned her snapping her out of her thoughts and making her stand at attention like a soldier being given an order from their superior.

"Nothing, how are you holding up?" Megan asks but it was not the first question that had come to her mind. That question was What is with the tone but the red and black dress that she had on along with the veil had been a quick reminder that she was dealing with a loss of someone very important to her. Megan didn't want to make her day any harder on her that it was going to be already.

"Just peachy considering that my brother is missing and that's it my fault," Cheryl answered the simple question in a way that felt like a slap across the face but Megan had braced herself for the harsh tone giving her a nod at her answer as she glanced down over to her locker spotting the book that she had been looking for. Hiding in plain sight.

"It wasn't your fault Cheryl and I know you probably hear this quite a few times over ever since that day but if you need someone to talk to. I'm here, we aren't all that close anymore but you can still talk to me about anything," she offered bringing her gaze back towards the redhead standing in front of her. For a second Megan could of swore that the smile which had appeared across her lipstick painted lips was like the one she used to know. A thank you without having to mutter the words but it then changed back to the one which she had gotten so used to using watching her old friend walking down the hallway with. Distant and showed control over others as if directed towards you spelled chaos. Maybe Cheryl had noticed she what Megan was thinking as without another word she closed her locker door and spun around walking away with no words of anger, sadness, a fake thank you or even an emotionless goodbye. Any of those would have been something but she said nothing just left. "See you," Megan sighed not having the strength not to say anything at all after they parted ways.

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