Chapter 3

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The girl brought James aboard the plane. He felt like passing out but he knew he couldn't. He was brought into a all white cube. The girl let go of him and walked out of the cube and stood by the window of the cube so they were face to face. "If you have questions ask them now." The girl said.
"Who are you? Where am I? And what the hell happened to Bella?" James asked.
"I'm Agent Johnson, I work for S.H.I.E.L.D.-" she was then cut off by James.
"So I'm being kidnapped by terrorists? Great."

"We are not terrorists,  S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by Hydra. Hydra is a terrorist organization, not  S.H.I.E.L.D. To go on with what I saw saying, you are on a quinjet. And what happened with Bella..." Agent Johnson unlocked the door to the cube and stepped in. She sat down which gave James the queue to sit too. "She's not dead, she was shot bye an Icer, it makes you unconscious. To start, you know what in-humans are right?" Agent Johnson asked. "Yes. They are people with Cree blood in them...or... I don't know the whole science behind it but, they have powers right?" James responded. "Yeah, I don't really know the science either, but yes we have powers, your friend Bella is an inhuman. But she doesn't have powers, you need to get these blue crystals and or obelisks- I could ramble on about that for hours, back to your friend. Someone found out your friend was a contester to be an inhuman. And found out a way to kill her, but if they got the wrong person, it wouldn't kill them, only inhuman's . So whoever put that thing in Bella's arm probably wants to kill all inhumans, probably hunting them all down." Agent Johnson look down at the ground and sighed. "Isn't the first time this has happened." She chuckled a little.

There was a bit of silence when James said. "Can I ask? When you where talking about inhuman's, you said 'we'?" James said.
"Ah yes, I am an inhuman... let me demonstrate." She said. Agent Johnson walked out of the cube, the doors closed. She walked where James could see her and held up her hand. A gust of wind hurtled from her hand blowing over some crates.
"And that's how you keep me from coming off the ground." James said.
"Just so you know, we are trying to help Bella, S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to help her, we have some of the best doctors in the world. Trust us, or at least me." Agent Johnson stopped talking and seemed to be listening to an earpiece in her ear. "That's for the report, glad to hear she regain con-"
"I need to go see her! Where is she? Is she still passed out? Is she okay?" James was calmer as agent Johnson was talking to him and showing him her powers, but once she mentioned Bella again he was not as calm. "She regained consciousness. Our best doctor is trying to get the blue thing out of her arm, so we put her under anesthesia. I'll have to handcuff you, since you are still 'hostel' but yeah you can go see her." Agent Johnson looked at the ground and did a faint smile. Then walked up to the cube unlocked the doors and took out cuffs. She put the handcuff around his wrists to the point where it didn't hurt, just uncomfortable.

She lead him out of the cube and down a hallway to what looked like a bomb shelter, but everything in that jet looked like a bomb shelter. But especially this room. It had bottles of medicine on the walls and jars of who knows what. She led James over to Bella. There was glass between where the doctor and Bella were and where James and agent Johnson were standing. The doctor turned around when she noticed they were there. "Oh Daisy, I was just about to call you." The doctor said, James notices that she was British, in a weird way it reminded him of Bella. She stepped outside of the glass operating room to speak to 'Daisy'. "What is it, Simmons?" Daisy asked. "Well the poison that spread from the blue thing, we can't get out of her blood." Said Simmons, in a worry some voice.
"No, no. There has to be another way, we can't just let her-." Said Daisy
"We can't get it out of her blood, but we can dissolve it. But the only thing that can dissolve it, is the inhuman crystals...which will make her inhuman." Simmons said. For some reason she wouldn't look Daisy in the eye. James couldn't figure out why. Wouldnt everyone love to have powers?

"Never. No. We are not giving her powers. It was hard enough for me to deal with my powers, we are not giving them to a seventeen year old girl!" Daisy belted. Just then Bella woke up from the anesthesia. She was coughing, and she looked awful, her face was white as snow. There was barley any color in her lips. "What ever will keep her alive, do anything!" James pushed pass Simmons, in his still handcuffed hand, to get to Bella. "Sir you can't go in there." Simmons said as she rushed to get to him. James knocked over a few bottles. He looked at Agent Johnson, he now knew her first name but he didn't think they were on a first name basis yet. Then looked at the doctor. "Please."

"Daisy, she gonna die if we don't use the crystals." Said the doctor.
"Fine, Simmons get me a crystal and everyone else get out." Agent Johnson ordered.

Doctor Simmons went to another room and came back after about a minute. James saw her run back into the room out of the corner of his eye. "Sorry it took so long, here." She gave the blue crystal to Agent Johnson and put her hand on James's back and walked him out of the room. "This whole process is kinda weird, I'm just gonna pull down the blinds." Agent Johnson said as she pulled down the blinds.

Bella felt like shit. It hurt to move, it burned her throat to swallow. Her blood was boiling. But she could hear the others talking. But she only started to listen when one of the girls said. "Daisy, she gonna die if we don't use the crystals." She didn't know who Daisy was but she put two and two together and figured the lady beside her was Daisy, and she didn't know who the hell was taking about her, she didn't know where the hell she was. She didn't know how much time passed but one of the woman came up to her while the other one lead James out of the room. "I know your confused right now, but can you stand up?" Daisy said. Bella nodded. Bella stood up, leaning on Daisy. "Here goes nothing." Daisy said. She had a crystal in her hand and was about the drop it on the ground. She let go of the crystals when a door opened from another entrance, at the last second she saw a Asian girl with black hair, about the same age as Bella, come in. "No!" Daisy shrieked. The sound of her scream closed out and something covered Bella's eyes. She felt like she was falling asleep.

Whatever covered her eyes was crumbling down. She felt better than before, way better, tired but not as bad as before. "What just happened?" Bella said. She saw a outline of a  body in what looked like a bunch of rocks. Daisy was beside it looking like she was on the verge of tears. "We had to make you inhuman-to save you-and everyone who doesn't have Cree blood will die- and she came in at the last second." Daisy was taking an fast, Bella could barley understand her but she got the picture. Daisy turned around while James, without his handcuffs, and what seemed like a doctor (Simmons) came in. The doctor came in and hugged Daisy. And Bella went to hug James, she needed to see a familiar face. Daisy had tears going down her face when out of the rock cocoon and girl came out just as Bella did. Daisy turned around. "You're an inhuman..?"
"I didn't know I was..?" The girl said
"Wait so me and?" Bella paused for a moment as a signal to ask what the girls name was.
"Christine." The girl said.
"So me and Christine, now have powers? Woah. How do we tell what our powers are?" Bella asked.
"We don't. You'll have to figure it out over time," Daisy was still in shock about what happened. "Like me, things kinda started to float around me, and that's when I knew. But I was a while different story."

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