Chapter 1

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"Well, I give up. Math is the worst subject ever." Jenna Artibus said. "Okay for the fourteenth thousands time. You just multiply X by that, and that, by that, and divide that" James Faun said pointing to the different numbers on the paper. "You say that like its simple?" She said obviously annoyed.
"Cause it is." James replied.
"I'll just get an F, I couldn't care less." She put her homework back in her folder.
"Well I still care so let me carry on with my work." James said as he moved his blonde hair out of his face.

A little over an hour passed. Jenna  was playing on the PS4 and James was on the couch doing something on his phone. "I'm- gonna- kill- this- guy. Yes!" Jenna screamed.
"I'm guessing you killed the guy?" James wasn't paying much attention to Jenna or her game.
"Yep, and my team won, so suck that blue team!" Jenna said.

A few more hours passed and James headed home. Jenna went up to her room and got changed into her pajamas. Which consisted of a green tank top and grey sweatpants. Jenna brushed her teeth and got in bed. She was still on her phone for about two more hours after she got in her bed. She turned off all the lights in her room, plugged in her phone and went to sleep.

Jenna  pulled her covers over her head while her alarm was going off.
"Ugh." Jenna got up and shut off her alarm on her phone. She walked to her wardrobe. She picked up her glasses on the table next to it, her glasses were plain black, she had terrible vision. She could barley see without them. She picked out a yellow shirt with the Adidas logo on it, and black jeans. She put her shirt and pants on and went down stairs. To her surprise her mom was already up and had made her toast. "Hey...?" Jenna said. "What? You seem surprised?" Miss Artibus said. "You haven't made me breakfast since... fourth grade? Why now?" Bella made a weird smile on her face. "Well I woke up early. And work doesn't start for an hour." Jenna's mom said. Jenna's mom, Erica Artibus, was in her late 30's, she had long brown hair with brown eyes she was about an inch taller than Jenna. Jenna's dad, Liam Artibus, was much taller than Jenna and her mom. He had black hair with also brown eyes. Jenna always thought it was weird she didn't have brown eyes, she had blue. I mean it's can't be that abnormal to have different colored eyes than your parents? Jenna nodded. She went to put on her shoes and packed her school bag, then while she was heading out the door grabbed her toast and a jacket. She went by herself to the bus stop (like she always had). With her earbuds in listening to music

Her bus stop only has three kids at it. And she was the first stop, she sat alone but at the next stop, James got on. Jenna smiled at James when he got on the bus. They sat together everyday on the bus. "Whatcha listening to?" Jenna asked. "What do we both always listen to?" James replied. [] they would both listen to that everyday. Jenna was lip syncing the lyrics to, "Don't threaten me with a good time", and dancing along. To a minimum because they were on a bus. The bus picked up a few more stops and they got to school. "See you at sixth period". James said. The two of them didn't have much classes together since James was in all the advanced classes and Jenna was only in advanced history . But they had lunch together which was in sixth period. "See Ya!" She said.

Her first period was English, boring as usual. After English she went to her locker and grabbed her art binder, and put away her English binder and notebook. The hallways were tight people would bump into each other just in the fact that the hallways weren't big. But when she was half way to her science class a kid bumped into her, but it was stronger than usual. Like he meant to bump into her, or more like hit her. It stung like a bee. It stung for the rest of the day and got worse every minute.

Lunch came, and Jenna and James met up at there usually table. There were 8 seats per table so they usually looked lonely just the two of them but sometimes their friends Paul and Noah would come and sit with them. But they really didn't care if they looked weird sitting by themselves, they would laugh and smile all the time being the awesome friends they were. Jenna's arm was hurting like hell. she couldn't help but to say something. "There was this guy right before last period" Jenna brought up, "he bumped into me like, hard. Like he meant to. But it stings really bad."
"See if you can go to the bathroom, and check to see if it's bruised?" James said.

Bella stood up and walked to the table where the bathroom passes were. She walked through the halls to the girls bathroom. There was no one else in the bathroom from what Jenna could tell. She pulled down her shirt so she could see her shoulder. Jenna was shocked at what she saw. There was a blue crack in her arm with little cracks coming from it. Like a river on a map. She didn't know why she through it would help to put water on it, but she did it anyways. Obviously it didn't go away. Jenna was totally freaked out by it. She put her jacket on that was around her waist. She walked back to the cafeteria and sat back down next to James. "So? Is it bruised?" James asked. "Come to my house after school today." Bella said pretty much ignoring the question. The bell rang for their next period.

Jenna couldn't stop thinking about her arm. What was that thing? Why did the person put it in her arm? She had no idea what happened but she needed to figure it out. "What is the answer to question thirty, Miss Artibus?" Her teacher asked. She had last period, with Mrs. Nelson. She was boring and strict, but she cracked jokes sometimes. "Umm, I think it's C-, no, B-..." Jenna didn't know that answer but even if she knew the right answer, she still wouldn't be able to considerate. Thinking about her arm and all. Jenna counted the minutes till class was dismissed and she got to go home.

Bing! That was the bell. Jenna walked to her locker and took out all her binders and shoved them into her bag. Then started to walk back down the halls to the front steps when someone shouted, 'Jenna?"
"Oh my god. Hailey? I haven't seen you in... a two years?" Jenna hugged the girl.
She haven't seen her friend, Hailey since freshman year, they were in their junior year now. Hailey had moved to New York for two years, for her moms work. She said her mom worked for the government. Never really specified much deeper. They were best friends since before kindergarten. James and Jenna had been friends since elementary school but Hailey would always move so James her Bella got closer through those years that Hailey was gone. "I just got back here a couple of weeks ago. Wanna catch up after school?" Hailey said. "I'm actually meeting someone else after school. But you can come if you'd like?" Jenna said.
"Sure. You still live in the same house as before right?"
"Yep, See you in a bit. Don't want to miss the bus." They both waved goodbye and Jenna went to the bus and Hailey was doing whatever she was doing.

Jenna got to the bus and met James. She didn't talk much on the way back. She was the first person to be dropped off but before she got up she said, "my house after school, don't forget." And walked off.

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