Chapter 1

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{Chapter 1}

~Louis POV~

Today is the day. I. Louis William Tomlinson is going to audition for Xfactor. I have been dreaming about this audition for about a month now, ever since my mum recommended me to audition.

In high school, I played the role of Danny Zuko in a musical called Grease. I was gobsmacked when I found out I got the leading role. I don't see myself as the greatest singer alive, but I felt astonished when my name was called.

I remember having the biggest smile on my face that day, my face was red and full of pain from smiling too much.

After doing the Grease musical at school, my classmates requested me to put videos of me on YouTube doing my cover of songs. I was self conscious at the thought of people listening to me sing on the internet, I mean I have no idea who they are and what if they hate on me.

I finally gave in and created a YouTube account and starting posting videos of the sound of my voice. I would autotune my voice sometimes and other videos I wouldn't, people liked it when I didn't though.

I got a few views and comments here and there, but the video that got most talked about was my cover of "Look After You" by The Fray. People complimented my voice saying it was unique and very comforting.

I smiled at those encouraging comments as I thought of what it would be like to perform in front of millions of people. After a few video uploads and good comments, my mum told me I should audition for Xfactor.

So here I am today, its THE day. Me and my mum were driving over to Xfactor warehouse where I would audition. "Are you nervous?" my mum asked as she smiled at me with rosy cheeks. I looked over at her as I returned her smile, "I am a little bit.. I haven't really sang in front of people before."

She had a confused look on her face as she gazed at my face letting the words sink in. "You did the musical Grease..remember?" she reminded me as she brought her eyes back to the road.

I nodded. "Of course I remember, but that was in front of my peers for a school musical. I am singing for chance to become something in this world that can change my life. Singing can become my career." I smiled at the last part thinking of a huge crowd that is screaming my name.

My smile faded as the car came to a halt, in front of the Xfactor warehouse. I stared at the individual contestants who were waiting in the long line, hoping for their dream to come true. I slowly got out of the car and began walking over to the line to get my audition number.

When we got up to the front of the line, we were approached by a white table. A lady with blonde curly hair and blue eyes greeted us with a toothy grin. "What is your name?" she asked politely. "Louis. Louis Tomlinson." I answered confidently at her as she scribbled down my name on a paper document. 

She smiled as she handed me my audition number which was 57382, "Good luck Louis." I smiled politely and literally ran out the line with an excited grin on my face. I hugged my mum as I giggled like a school girl.

"I can't believe this is happening!" I half shouted and half screamed into my mum's shoulder. I felt her body vibrate as I realized she was laughing at my giddiness. 

She let go of me with a smile on her face as she spoke, "I am proud of you Louis. You are going to do great, I have a good feeling about this." I returned her smile as we walked to the next line that we would wait to face the judges in.

I ran a hand through hair as I stared down the line of contestants, comparing their voices with mine. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my mum's comforting voice. "Louis, you're going to do great. Don't give up." my mum softly told me as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and gave me a side hug.

I smiled at her as my eyes adverted to the ground with a slight blush on my cheeks. I lifted my eyes off the ground as I took one more look down the line of contestants with a heavy sigh. My mum gave me a comforting smile as she looked into my eyes. I smiled confidently at my mum as I looked away.

I took a deep breath as I thought, 'The wait begins.' 

~Harry POV~

I can't believe I'm going through with this. I'm nervous, but confident at the same time. My name is Harry Styles and I am planning on auditioning for Xfactor, in hopes of getting my name noticed by the world.

So basically, I have been singing for a year now with a band called White Eskimo. White Eskimo is a band my friends created in school one day, but they needed someone to perform the vocals. At the time I wasn't sure of my singing skills, but I wanted to help out my friends in need of another band member.

My friends said I had the perfect voice for their band. I remember smiling shyly as my friends took their turns talking about how much they admired my voice. I didn't know I was THAT good.

Overtime, our band performed for a talent show and small parties/gatherings. We even won for a talent show which made us feel on top of the world. After a few small performances my mum told me she wanted me to audition for Xfactor.

I immediately agreed without thinking twice about it. I know I have a talent for singing, but I don't believe I am the best singing human ever.

After receiving good compliments from my friends and family, I believed that I would get an automatic YES from all the judges.

When we arrived at the Xfactor warehouse of where the auditions were taking place in, I was having second thoughts. I gazed at all the contestants I was going to compete with, as I felt self conscious and out of place as I waited in line to receive my audition number.

"You are going to be just fine Harry!" my mum exclaimed as we walked further into the line. I smiled weakly at her as I responded, "Thanks mum, I sure hope so."

She took my face with her two hands on each side, as she stared into my eyes. "Harry I KNOW you are going to be fine. Your voice is like the sound of an angel, its beautiful." I smiled at her comment as I adverted my eyes down to the floor.

"Don't be self conscious of your voice either, just do your best." I smiled brightly and shocked at how well she knows me, well I AM her son. Before I knew, me and my mum arrived at the white table that approached us.

My eyes were greeted by a woman with long, blonde curly hair and bright crystal blue eyes as she looked about 25 years old. 'Not too old' I thought as I smiled cheekily at her.

"What is your name?" she asked politely as she had a blank document in front of her. "The name is Harry. Harry Styles." I said with a flirty wink in her direction.

She giggled at my action as she shook her head as she wrote my name down on the blank piece of paper. "Here you go, Mr. Styles" she responded as she handed me my audition number which read '165998'.

"Thanks babe." I responded with another wink as I walked away smoothly with a cheeky grin on my face.

As we got out of the line my mum shook her head at me with a frown. "What?" I asked curiously at her. "Harry, you won't get through the audition just by flirting." my mum said truthfully with a small frown on her face.

I turned to her as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "I know that people are looking for talent mum, but you need a personality too."

"Something people can remember you by." I continued while my chin was resting on the top of her head. "Take this audition seriously Harry, don't mess it up by flirting with the judges." she said bluntly. 

We broke from our hug as I smiled at her, "I won't mum, this is my dream and I don't plan on ruining it by flirting." I told her truthfully as we made our way to the long line that we have to wait in. I took a deep breath as I stepped into the line with my mum by my side.

I put my audition number onto my belly as I stood with the rest of the contestants waiting for each of our turns to see the judges. 'This is happening' I thought as I gazed at other individual's audition numbers as we all waited in the line.

I looked away from their faces as I looked at my mum's bright, welcoming smile as she squeezed my hand. I smiled at her as I took a long sigh.

I took another look down the line as I thought, 'Here goes nothing.' 

Love Is A Crazy Thing ~ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now