Chapter 2

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Hello :D This is my first fanfiction I have ever written. Please leave me comments, I need to know if I need to change my writing in any way. Let me know if you like this story or not, I need your feedback. Okay, enjoy this chapter. <3

{Chapter 2}

~Louis POV~

My heart is thumping violently in my chest right now, I've never been so nervous in my entire life before.

I mean I was nervous about performing in front of my classmates for Grease, but this is in front of thousands of people in an audience. Plus, there are going to be the four judges I heard about on television that I am going to witness in person.

My thoughts were interupted by the sound of my mum's voice as she placed her hand on my shoulder. My face soften and my body became less tense when I knew my mum was by my side through this.

I smiled at her as my breathing started to calm down, along with the rush of adrenaline going through my body.

"Louis, look that boy is being interviewed!" my mum exclaimed as she pointed to a boy that was being approached by cameras. The boy had brown curly hair that was quite messy and was going in all directions.

He seemed to be around the age of 16 and had brown eyes? blue? I couldn't tell which color they were knowing that he was higher up in the line.

I smiled as he flashed a cheeky grin at the cameras as he moved his curls out of his eyes.

"He is going to be something one day, I just know it." I said to my mum as the cameras and interviewer left him alone with his mum. "So are you, my darling." my mum responded as she kissed my forehead.

I grinned at her as I took another look at the curly haired boy who seemed to look nervous.

Nervous? How could he be nervous? He should be confident. He looks like he has a stunning singing voice. Even if he didn't have a singing talent, he looks quite fit and could go into modeling. He's gorgeous. Wait. Woah Louis. What are you saying?! Staring at a boy saying he is hot enough  to become a model? You are straight. STRAIGHT! Maybe the heat has gotten to me.

I looked back to him until I noticed he was no where to be found. Where did he go? Did he go through already? I hope he made it. What if he didn't?

My thoughts were interrupted when I realized I haven't gone to the bathroom this morning, I really needed to take a wee. I told my mum to save my spot in line as I dashed out of the line toward the restrooms.

As I reached the bathroom, I noticed a familiar mop of hair.

My eyes widen as I stared at the boy who admired his curls in the mirror.

Its him.  

~Harry POV~

I can't do this. They won't like me, I should just go home. No Harry, this is your dream. You're right, but I'm okay by just singing in my band. No Harry, stop being a dummy and just do it!

My thoughts were arguing with each other inside my curly head as I stared into space. My thoughts were interrupted by a group of cameras and a smiley interviewer walking up to us.

"Hello, could we interview you for Xfactor?" the male interviewer asked as he smiled kindly at me and my mum. "Uhmm..well I don't reall-" I was saying until my mum decided to interrupt and answer for me.

"YES! Oh course, he wants to be interviewed!" my mum exclaimed loudly at the interviewer that was surrounded by cameras. I groaned as I replied with a quiet yes as I gave my mum a small glare. My mum ignored my glare as the interviewer started asking me questions.

He asked about my life, my friends, my family, my job, school, my band and any other important information. I awkwardly smiled at him at times when talking about my life.

When I began talking about my band, I spoke confidently and smiled cheekily as I spoke towards the interviewer. The interviewer seemed quite nice to be honest. After the questions and the cameras swarming around us, he smiled at us with a small wave.

"Thank you Harry and Mrs Styles, good luck." After he left, my mum hugged me tightly as she began saying 'it was a sign that I would go through'.

I suddenly felt awkward and nervous knowing that people were still staring at me, I pulled out of my mum's tight grasp. "I need to go for a wee. I'll be right back." I told my mum as she nodded towards me.

I literally ran to the restrooms feeling everyone's eyes burning on the back of my head. I pushed open the boy's bathroom door with a fast movement, not wanting the feeling of people watching me anymore.

'No one is in here. Thank god' I thought. I walked up toward the sink and turned on the water. I felt the cool sensation of the water on my fingertips, as I splashed some water on my face.

I stared at my reflection as I saw the fear in my green eyes while I ran my fingers through my curls. While I was gazing into the mirror, I heard the door swing open.

'Who could that be?' I thought. 

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