Chapter 1

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'Time of death 4.37'.

Just as those words left my mouth as steady beat finally returned to the heart monitor. I sighed with relief and clearing the beads of sweat that had gathered on my forehead during the intense opporation with my arm.I dropped the equipment. 'Good job guys, Kendal and Butler stitch up the patient please', I called removing my blood stained gloves and flinging them in the bin as I left the operating room. Thank God that boy pulled through. I don't want millions of girl ready to burn me at the stake as punishment for killing their precious idol. Don't get me wrong I'm a fan but part of my job involves not getting attached to patients especially not a ridiculously hot member of a world famous band. 'Impressive surgery, Dr.Murphy I thought he was a goner as soon as he lay on the operating table', My boss and the chief of the hospital, Dr.Ross said shaking my hands once I'd finished washing them. 'I think a you're in good need of a raise soon'. As soon as Dr.Ross left the scrub room no other than Dr.James Kendal waltzed through. 'Watching you feeling hearts is such a turn on',he murmured in my ear, his breath tickling my neck. Blue eyes dark with lust stared from my lips to my eyes.

'Storage room 6. Give me two minutes', I giggled throwing him the key to the room that contained a small bed that I used when on call over night. And recently to fuck James.He walked as briskly as he could out the door only turning to send me a wink. I sighed and grabbed the patients chart from the corner of the room and started filling out his chart. It was a weird case. Some would call the patients diagnosis amusing and others would call it tragic. It's a matter of opinion I guess.

I flipped my chestnut brown hair over and gathered it in a high ponytail,quickly trying to remove the knots from the blonde bits at the bottom. I heard James call my name. I flipped around and as I did he left a cheeky kiss on my lips. I bit my lip and started to try tame his blonde hair quickly and make it look less like he'd just been fucking his boss in a storage room. I think I might just stop here and explain myself. Many people might find this very unprofessional of me but really it's not. Being a surgeon is a very stressful job with little or no time for a personal life. So in reality having an emotionless relationship with James is the most professional way I can act. It had been just over an hour since the surgery so I decided to check if the patient had awoken yet. As I entered room 3333 it was nearly impossible to fit in. The room was packed with people all whispering nervously. The famous Luke Hemmings stayed peacefully asleep at the far wall. As I entered all eyes turned to me. 'Oh thank god finally some one that can help us get information. Sorry nurse could you send the doctor in when you can', Calum Hood asked politely. Don't act surprised I know exactly who five seconds of summer are but as usual when a famous person enters the hospital I have to play dumb.

'Well sir that would be stupid since I am the doctor', I said with a smirk.

'Look nurse I appreciate you trying to lighten the mood but we'd all just like some information',Michael said with a small smile. I sighed I was used to this. I always looked young for my age and it didn't help that I finished high school at 16 and flew through medical school. I peeked out the door and saw James strolling by. I grabbed him by the collar into the room. 'Ready for round two already', he whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes. 'Dr.Kendal who's your boss?' I asked him. 'That would be you Dr.Murphey', he said used to having to do this but every time he hung his head in embarrassment.It annoyed him that i had more power than him. Sexist bastard.

'Thank you Kendall go check on room 3299', I said shoving him back out the door.

All eyes were still on me but now they were wide with surprise.'Now that we've cleared that can I continue?' Without looking for a reply I began. 'Okay so the surgery went surprisingly well considering the condition Luke was in. We managed to mend the organ however there was a slight complication as his heart stopped beating. Luke managed to keep fighting though resulting in his heart returning to a steady beat. He was put under very heavy anesthetic which may take a day or two to wear off.Yous are all welcome to stay and visit however he mightn't be awake for a while so yous may want to go home and rest'.

'Luke would be lucky enough to get a hot doctor', Ashton blurted out. Michael quickly punched him in the arm. I pretended I didn't hear it but let a small smile spread across my face and I could feel my cheeks blushing. Don't get me wrong it's not the first time I've heard something like that in the hospital. I'm not even that pretty. It's just the fact that most surgeons are firstly old, secondly male and therefore quite ugly.

'Well unless there's anymore questions I have more patients to tend to. I'll send in the nurse to check up on Luke in an hour or two', I said glancing at Calum with a cheeky smirk. The poor boy coudln't even meet my eyes he just had to look down. I heard a chorus of thank you's as i left the room. 'Ah Dr.Murphey you're needed in room 5003', my intern said nervously. I nodded and made my way down the stairs.

2 opporations and 13 patient check ups later I was ready to head home. I decided I'd make a last stop into room 3333. I smiled gently at the sight before me. Calum, Ashton and Michael were all perched around Luke singing gently to him as he lay there still knocked out. As they finished I clapped. Their heads whipped around. 'I just wanted to check on Mr.Hemmings before i left. If yous plan on staying the night the room across the hall is free'. 'Nah we're all going to take turns staying up tonight with him',Ashton said taking Lukes hand and giving it a light squeeze. 'Well if you change your mind you know where to go'. I waved a goodnight and headed straight to my car. James was leaning against the passenger door, a lighted cigarette gripped between his teeth. 'Did you not get your bit earlier', I snorted. 'I just thought maybe we could spend a night together. We don't even need to have sex. It just get's a bit lonely at my place sometimes',James said lightly, his head hanging down. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Before we started our thing me and James couldn't stand each other. But I was too tired to argue. 'Fine but we're staying at my place',I said hopping into my car. I did like James don't get me wrong, it's just this arrangement we had was meant to be just sex literally. Staying at each other's place's is how relationships start and i really do not have the time for that. Just as James had promised we both conked out as soon as we got to my apartment. I woke during the night, aware of James's presence beside me. He had an arm slung across my waist. Strangely it felt comforting to not be sleeping alone. I smiled and gave in to nuzzling into his bare chest. His grip tightened and for some reason Luke popped into my mind. I had been so terrified when his heart stopped beating. I shivered pushing away the thought in my mind of how Luke nearly died today while in my hands literally. At least I can say I saved his life and heart.

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