Chapter 2

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The steady beat of the heart monitor had me in a trance. His breathing was steady. In. Out. His face emotionless. Long, fair eyelashes laying still, resting on his cheekbones. I was captivated by the sight of him. I was so focused on examining all of the features belonging to Luke that I didn't realize the long eyelashes fluttering open. I leaned back in the plush chair and flipped open the chart. I tried to look as casual as possible and well hide the fact that I had in fact been creeping the hell out of Luke for the last ten minutes. 'What the fuck happened', a very confused Luke asked. I almost broke out in laughter watching as he began to look like a lost puppy. His hair was sticking up in every direction possible. Honestly he looked about 10 sitting there engulfed in the covers of the bed. 'You're in hospital Luke do you not remember', I said leaning forward in curiosity. 'You had a broken heart', I chuckled at the ironic-ness .According to newspaper articles Luke had recently broke up with Kendal Jenner. It was a brief relationship but after talking Ashton I'd be told Luke was crushed after it. 'Funny', Luke said sarcastically. I stood up ready to give Luke a brief examination now he was awake. 'Its the truth honey, you have stress-induced cardiomyopathy. More commonly know as Broken Heart Syndrome'. I went over to the large window and debated over whether to open it or not. It was one of the hottest days in California this year. Due to strict uniform codes the best I could get away with was a white tank top and my usual blue pants. 'You had a heart attack onstage two days ago. They brought you straight in here and we diagnosed you and went straight into surgery'. I pulled the light out of my pocket and flicked it on. 'Oh I remember it now. Wait are you my doctor', he asked suspiciously. 'Yes, I am',I giggled lightly. I shone the light into his eyes and carried out the brief examination. 'Your band mates haven't left your side since you came back from surgery. They just went to get lunch they should be back soon'. 'Am I going to be in here long'. 'We need to keep you in here for atleast another week. Just to make sure you fully recover. You went under some pretty serious surgery. You need as much rest as you can get. Plus you fucked up your knee when you had the heart attack. You landed on it funny so you'll probably need some physio',I gave him a small smile. My attention turned to the door as Lukes visitors returned. 'Mate you're awake!' They all sprinted over and smothered him in hugs. I took this as my cue to leave. 'I'll be back to check up on you in a few hours Mr.Hemmings',I called out ready to leave. I took two steps down the hall when i heard Lukes voice shouting,'Damn she's hot'. I spun back into the room. 'I heard that', I smirked before leaving again and strutting down the hall to the operating room for my next surgery.

I entered the cafeteria with my tray in one hand and a large latte in the other. I sat down at the usual table with Heather, James, Serena and Ethan all interns bar Ethan. It's normally weird for surgeons to associate with interns but they were closer in age to me so I didn't care. Serena was one of my best friends in the hospital and she gave me a genuine smile as i sat down beside James. She peered at my tray which contained a chicken salad and two apples. 'The lunch of champions', she declared as it was the same as her own. 'True but coffee is the fuel of champions',I sighed taking a huge gulp of the hot liquid. 'Hmm I'd say Vodka is but that's just a matter of opinion', Heather said. Heather wasn't my favourite. She was a nice girl but she was a bit of a waste of space at times. Partying was a bigger priority to her than actually pursuing a job as a surgeon. I didn't see her lasting long so I was kind to her. 'I wish you could have came earlier our lunch is over now', Serena said standing up. She left the table and Ethan and Heather followed. James shifted in his seat till he was completely facing me. I smiled at him as I took a bite of an apple. He grabbed it out on my hand and put it back on the tray. I raised my eyebrows at his actions. 'I was thinking',he started. 'Well that's impossible since you need a brain to think with', I joked. Teasing each other had always been part of our nature. 'I wouldn't have gotten through med school without one',he shot back. 'Anyway as I was saying before you rudely interrupted. I was thinking that since you and I are free tonight-I checked the schedule before you try get out of this-That we should go out tonight'. 'Like on a date', I asked, playing stupid. 'Yes I have dinner reservations for eight. So be ready for ten to seven. I'd tell you to dress nicely but you always do',he said resting a hand on my thigh. 'Shouldn't I get two days notice. So I can get nervous and what not', I said biting my lip. I couldn't let on that I was actually really excited for this date. 'Nerves are for highschoolers. We are professional doctors. I'll see you at eight baby',James said getting up and giving me a peck on the cheek so quick that someone who had been watching us wouldn't have even noticed it. That's what I liked about James. He was cheeky. He didn't give me butterflies but he was fun and at this stage in my career that was all I have time for. I finished my lunch and chucked it in the trash.

It was six o'clock and I actually did feel like I was in high school. I was excited as I was when I was going on my first date at 14. I walked into room 3333, Luke's room. Over the last few days it have become a habit to check on Luke last thing before I left work. I walked in and none other than One Direction were sat around the bed with the other boys. They were all laughing but it died down when they noticed my presence in the room. 'Ah here's the famous doctor we've been hearing about', Harry said with a wink. 'All good things I hope'. 'You could say that',Harry said receiving a smack on the arm from a blushing Luke. I said my goodbyes eager to leave the room before I could receive anymore comments like that. I sped home, planning my outfit in my head. I threw myself into the shower as quick as I could. I made the effort to shave my legs and then turned the water off. No time for thinking in the shower tonight or else I could be in there for hours. I didn't have as much time as I would have liked but I made as much of an effort as I could. I curled my hair slowly and tried to perfect my make up. All that was left was my dress. It was that dress that you buy cause it's on sale but you don't know if you'll ever actually buy it. It was a daring black body-con dress that clung to my body and left little to the imagination. I stood by the mirror in the hall right beside the door and applied some red lipstick and ruffled my hair. Right on time, there was a knock on the door. I opened it to be revealed to a very slick looking James. He had a crisp white shirt on and designer jeans. 'If I wasn't as hungry as I am I would hVe that dress on the floor in ten seconds. 20 at the max cause the zip looks at bit difficult', James said taking my hand and leading me to the elevator. 'Not looking to bad yourself for a New Yorker', I teased. 'Hush my Irish princess or I'll take you to McDonalds', he said pinching my ass. I giggled and slapped his hand away.

The date was going better than I could have ever imagined. There was light insulting going on and we had begun playing footsies under the table. I was in the mid way of taking a sip of champagne when I heard an annoying beep coming from my bag. I heard James sigh as if he knew exactly what was going to happen. I picked my beeper out of my bag and saw the code for Luke. 'Let me guess you have to go', James grimaced. 'I'm so sorry but tell you listen to me. See if you can get this as a takeaway and then head back to my apartment.This shouldn't take long', I said flinging him the keys and planting a kiss on his lips. I hopped in James car and headed for the hospital. I ran straight to his room and saw the nurse trying to give Luke CPR. 'Wow look at Dr.McSexy',I heard a British voice call out. I threw on some gloves and an operating jacket. 'Move', I instructed to the nurse. Quickly enough my interns that were on call were beside me with all the equipment. I cut threw the stitches and got to work. Just as I was about to give up the steady beat returned to the monitor. I sighed with the relief and shrugged off the garments. 'Heather please stitch up Mr.Hemmings and then give his two drops of morphing to kill his pain'. I left the room only to be greeted by Luke's very worried visitors. 'Is he going to be okay',Calum asked. 'He should be fine for now. I'll examine him tomorrow and see if he needs any further surgery', I said quickly. I was desperate to get back to James and I think they could tell. 'Where are Luke's parents may I ask', I said out of curiosity. 'They arrive in a couple of days', Michael replied. 'Hot date tonight', Ashton asked with a smirk. 'You could say that', I said walking away.

'Wait doctor!'Ashton called after me.'Yes?' 'Use protection',he said with a cheeky grin. I scoffed and practically ran to my car. What a typical boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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