Arranged : Part 2

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Arden's POV

My parents sat at the end of the table and Charlie's parents sat across from them. I sat at the head of the table. Charlie sat next to his parents and Halston sat next to my parents, both diagonal to me. Everyone had a full plate and started to eat.

As everyone was eating, conversations started.

"So Arden, how is work treating you", Mr. Puth asked. "It's going great, actually. I recently got a promotion", I said to him, innocently smiling. I noticed Charlie roll his eyes and continue to eat. "Do you have a boyfriend yet", Mrs. Puth chuckled. I saw Charlie stop eating his food for a second. I smirked. "Well I wouldn't call it my boyfriend. I'm just casually seeing someone", I smiled. "How come you never told your mom and I", my dad asked. I decided to make up something to cover up my lie. "I just wanted it to be official", I smiled. Charlie continued to eat.

"Charlie, how are you doing in LA", my mom asked. "It's great. I get to write and produce my own music and travel and meet my fans. Like I just got home from tour", Charlie also innocently smiled and I rolled my eyes. We all know he's not innocent. Or at least only I know. "How long have you been with Halston", my dad asked. We've been together for almost a year", Charlie said smiling at Halston. I ignored him.

As I finished my food, Halston got up to use the restroom, she pushed back her chair and got up quickly but then her purse fell and everything in it had spilled out.

I felt something hit my foot. I looked under the table and picked up whatever it was. As I brought the item closer to me, my eyes widened. It was a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test.

Oh shit. She's pregnant. Should I say something? I mean if I do, who knows what will happen and how things will go. I smirk as I bring the pregnancy test closer and closer to the eyes of our families who are trying to make sense of the situation.

"Does this belong to you", I said holding it up.

"It's none of your business", Charlie snapped, snatching it out of my hand and handing it to Halston who shoved it back into her purse.

"What's not her business", Mrs. Puth said. "It's nothing mom", Charlie replied quickly. "What's going on Charlie", Mr. Puth said. Charlie didn't say anything. "What is it that you saw, Arden", Mr. Puth said, looking at me. "Well it's clearly not my business", I said to him.

They all looked at Charlie and Halston, suspiciously. Suddenly Mrs. Puth spoke, "Charlie Otto Puth, tell me what you're hiding at this moment."

I couldn't keep it inside anymore. "They're pregnant", I blurted out. Everyone in the room stared at me in shock. Then they all looked at Charlie and Halston, who were both looking down at their feet.

"So when did you two plan on telling us", Mr. Puth said, trying to remain calm. I can tell he was getting pretty mad. "Dad, can we not talk about this right now. It's the wrong time and place", Charlie replied. "Just answer the damn question", he said. "We were gonna tell you, when the time was right", Charlie said. "What time exactly? When the baby pops out", Mr. Puth said. "What did Halston's parents say", Mrs. Puth asked looking at Halston. "We haven't told them either", Charlie mumbled, with Taylor who had tears in her eyes. Shit, now I feel bad.

"So what are you gonna do Charlie? Are you ready to even father a child? Are you even planning on what you're gonna do when it's born?", Mrs. Puth asked. "Halston and I will look after it. We're gonna move in together and a year after it's born, we're gonna get married", Charlie explained.

"Charlie, you are not having this child", Mrs. Puth said. "What do you mean. It's my child", Charlie said starting to get angry. "It's an illegitimate child, Charlie. You are not going have this child. I'm not going to let you", Mrs. Puth said, almost yelling. "You can't stop me", Charlie yelled. "I'm your mother Charlie. And I say that you cannot have this child. I won't accept it", she said. "You have to accept it cause I'm definitely having this child", Simon said. "For the last time Charlie, you are not having this child", Mrs. Puth yelled. "What are you gonna do if I have this child", Charlie asked.

"I'm gonna have you...get someone else other than Halston", Mrs. Puth said. "Oh yeah, who", Charlie asked rolling his eyes. Mrs. Puth paused, then looked directly at me.

"Arden" She said loud and clear. My eyes widened and I choked on my drink.

No. This cannot happen. Ever.

"Charlie, you and Arden have known each other since birth. You guys would make a great couple. Plus, Arden is close to us and we love her more than Halston", Mrs. Minter said while glaring at Halston.

"Okay mom, if you're going to have me to get married to someone other than Halston, at least don't make it Arden", Charlie groaned. "Arden's perfect, Charlie. And I don't care if you like her or not, you're getting married to her. That is if her parents agree", Mrs. Puth said, while turning around to look at my parents.

My parents looked at each other. Then back at Mrs. Puth. "We're... uhhh... not so sure, about Arden getting married at this age, since she's still very young... but if she wants to she can go ahead. We wouldn't mind if she marries Charlie, cause we both know Charlie is a good boy", my mom said.

Then everyone turned to look at me, including Charlie and Halston. I'm guessing they want to know if I'll marry Charlie.

"Well Arden, will you marry Charlie", she asked. Charlie looked at me. I can tell he wanted me to say no.

I didn't know what to say.

If I say yes, I have to call Charlie Puth my husband and be known as Arden Puth. Ewww.

If I say no, then I don't have to deal with Charlie being my husband, but I will be hurting Mr. and Mrs. Puth, and I don't think I wanna do that. But still, we're talking about Charlie Puth, the guy who... let's not get into it.

They all continued to stare at me, waiting to hear what I say.  I opened my mouth.

A/N Part 3 gonna be out soon

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