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it took me longer than i had hoped to find my new school, but once i saw it's grey concrete structure tower over me, i knew i was at the right place. i checked and double-checked my watch again nervously, glancing around at the other students, none of whom seemed to be by themselves. i looked like a lone wolf amongst an unfamiliar pack and i felt sick to my stomach.

the creation of seventeen had been to unite lost causes, rejects and everything in between to become a pack of loners - if that made any sense at all. i couldn't remember any one of my friends who had not been alone before joining up with seventeen; it was just as well, we found comfort and friendship in each other and quickly became a family. i would've done anything to wake up back in my own bed, with junhui snoring away under me and soonyoung and jihoon bickering over the smallest things instead of out here, in a completely different universe, just playing it all by ear. i'm not a very unorganised or spontaneous person, but living with seventeen brought out a new side in me, where i would occasionally join mingyu and minghao on a little mission for some extra cash or make an impulsive decision to take a mission by myself.

the bell was loud and clear, finally signalling the start of the school day. somehow, my feet automatically manoeuvred me to my first lesson, which happened to be art. i was very thankful; the layout of the school looked only vaguely familiar and i would have to find my way around within a week otherwise it would look highly suspicious.

the art room smelled musty but in a comforting sort of way. it reminded me of a library full of second-hand books or a museum exhibit that held the oldest artefacts there. the smell immediately calmed my nerves as i slid into what i thought was my seat, awkwardly placing my bag on the back of my chair. everyone else had someone to talk to, and i couldn't help but feel out of place so to distract myself from the scrutinising stares and whispers, i reach inside my bag and bring out the leather notebook.

i almost drop it, which would have caused a loud clatter and everyone's attention would have been on me. thankfully, i caught myself in time and study the page again. i was positive that the whole book had been blank, not a single drop of ink on it's pages. but somehow, a little sentence had appeared on the top of the very first page.

welcome to the seventeen log, wonwoo. here you can communicate with me and document your journey of piecing seventeen back together.

hastily, i got out a pen and began to scribble an answer; before i could, the letters of the previous statement began to jumble together and i had to shut my eyes to avoid going cross-eyed. when i reopened them, the pen stilled in my hand.

you already know who i am, don't waste time writing such stupid questions. i cannot be here every day to guide you but i have also sent my daughter to provide some advice if you ever need it. your first mission is to find her: she knows who you are and is looking for you too, but you have to make the first move. 

for the second time, i begin to write out an answer, but it's left unfinished when someone clears their throat behind me. panicking, i slam the book shut and turn to glare at whoever had interrupted me.

"excuse me, you're in my seat."

there was no mistaking it. i felt a headache encroach before snapping out of my thoughts and quickly moving to the desk to the right to allow this person to sit down, still very much confused. minghao slid into the now vacant desk beside me and started to get his art things out of his bag, which is something i had not yet done, despite getting here first. he looked exactly as he had done in the magic universe: his black hair swooped over his eyes and his plush lips were pursed at his latest drawing. i try not to stare for the whole lesson because i'm positive that minghao had not recognised me yet. the mage hadn't told me how to give each member their memory back so for now, i simply had to keep tabs on whoever i encountered.

art flew by; the whole time, i stole little totally-not-creepy glances at minghao to make sure i  wasn't just losing my mind but all was confirmed when the teacher called out 'seo myungho' and he responded quietly. myungho had been minghao's korean name, though he was hardly ever called that- as far as i can remember anyway. i could do nothing but watch as the bell sounded again and everyone began to trudge to their next lesson, minghao included. entranced, i watch as the chinese boy slides everything neatly into a portfolio and joins the crowd of people saying their goodbyes to the teacher and leaving. i quickly became one of the last to leave, struggling to remember which class i had next.

my day had only just started, and i had already found one of my brothers.

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