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i stumbled into the cafeteria, still deciding on what i wanted to eat, or even if i wanted to eat at all. things had been far from smooth ever since my encounter with minghao and my brain had gone into overdrive, refused to let him go; i was supposed to on the lookout for the mage's daughter too, yet the faces of my classmates seemed unfamiliar to me and i didn't feel a connection. as i was waiting in line for some kimchi fried rice that i didn't really want, i felt a thwack on my back and i almost fell forward.

"wonwoo man! long time no see!" the voice seemed accented and vaguely unfamiliar. i turned round to face the source of the greeting and gave a quick half smile back. the boy in front of me was somewhat shorter than i was, with tousled brown hair and a large grin. his porcelain hand rest lightly on the strap of his backpack as he waited for my delayed response.

"oh-er, hi!" the mysterious figure laughed, before helping himself to an extra portion of kimchi, loading his plate up with the pickled cabbage. i did the same, even though i knew i would not eat it.

"finally decided to come back to school, ey? rumours were going around saying that you had moved away," the boy, who i assumed was my friend, continued to talk.

"o-oh, really?"

curse me for being so awkward.

"yeah. anyway, i'm glad you're back now. see you around wonwoo!"

the boy sauntered off towards a table of around six other boys, arguing over something in chinese. it finally clicked as the boy sat down at this table and i put the pieces together; i was finally remembering who he was: my friend kun!

qian kun had been friends with the 'other me' since the start of the school year and had not let the language barrier push itself between our friendship. embarrassment overcame me as i stalked past their table with my head down and found a place to sit in the corner of the cafeteria, far away from everyone else. as i began to eat, i also fished inside my bag for the notebook, toying with the leather-bound cover. should i write in it or not? i opened up the first page again and instead of the mage's spidery handwriting, a little kermit the frog drawing took up the middle of the parchment paper.

i recall minghao being obsessed with kermit back home, and even begged junhui to find a toy one for him to keep (he thought kermit was real but i didn't have the heart to tell him he was only a puppet). using his spirits, the older chinese male had retrieved one from this human world, just for minghao. he had kept it in good condition for more than five years, receiving it when he was about fifteen. i sighed at the fond memory, realising how much i took them for granted.

suddenly, my temple started to throb. i glanced around me, knowing it could only mean one thing, but was shocked to only see a girl and a boy approach the end of my table with their trays of food.

"hey dude, can we sit here?" the boy asks me. i nod silently and focus back on my own meal. the boy's brown hair was swept up, revealing his forehead and he wore his uniform loosely. he had a relaxed carefree aura to him and i also noticed how he spoke mostly english to the girl sat opposite him; they looked much younger than me, no older than nineteen at least.

the girl, on the other hand, seemed so familiar that i felt it would be almost natural to start a conversation with her. her dark hair was loose around her shoulders, falling straight about her face like a waterfall. she wore silver-framed glasses and constantly adjusted them. the minutes bled into an hour and i think i visibly sighed in relief when the bell for the last lesson of the day echoed through the room. hundreds of students started to move at once, filing through the double doors and heading to other parts of the school for just one more hour. i waited for the girl and her boyfriend to leave, before shoving the book back into my bag and putting my dirty utensils away.

in my peripheral vision, something white fluttered to the floor as i had swept past the end of the table. any other time, i would've ignored it but with all the strange encounters happening today, i felt inclined to pick it up.

and it was a good thing i did so too.

i reread the note until i reached the door of my history classroom, making absolutely sure i was not just dreaming. i shoved the note into the pocket of my trousers and tried to focus all lesson; though the history of this universe was fascinating to me and it would be interesting to know more, my mind wandered back to the note.

i know who you are and i think you know who my father and i are too. i was told that i would find you here and i have something to give you. meet me in orbit cafe across the road from school. i'll be waiting.

-  izzy.

i had succeeded in finding the mage's daughter.


yes i added myself, and what about it

wonu is finally using his braincells lmao

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