Warning & Authors Note

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This story is rated R for:

- Strong Language

- Explicit Sexual Content

- Dubious Consent
(Definition of Dub-Con;  "Dub-con" refers to sex involving dubious consent in fanworks. This indicates that consent is unknown or uncertain, and this is distinguished from consent being definitely absent, as in non-con or rapefic. Often, a character involved is uncertain about whether she wants to participate."

Just to clarify, this story is NOT a rape-fic. It's about your character succumbing to Loki's sexual advances apprehensively, but that doesn't mean you're unwilling. You're uncertain. There's a difference)

- Some mild BDSM Themes

- Mild Violence/Rough Sexual Scenes

- Implied Abusive Threats

If you think any of the content listed above will offend you, then please don't read on.

(Y/N)  = literally stands for 'YOUR NAME" so you can fill in that blank where applicable should you choose to read this story as though you yourself are the central character featuring opposite Loki. If you don't want to, no problem, you don't have to. But the option is there.

One last thing

Although I have written stories that contain sexual content before, this is my first fully-fledged hardcore erotica, so please go easy on me.
I am trying to portray a side of Loki we would never get to see on screen, but some of us suspect he might have those aspects to his character.
It isn't to be taken too seriously. There's attempted humour and lots of references.

Whilst I welcome constructive criticism, I don't appreciate blatantly hateful comments. No aspiring writer needs that kind of negativity, neither can they please everybody.

All other comments, votes and feedback is always greatly appreciated. I'd love to know if you enjoy this short fic. Also, if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know. I value your input and as YOU feature in the story, I aim to please!

Thank you for taking the time to read my work.

Big love, EAG30

Call Me Your Master (Loki x Reader Erotica)Where stories live. Discover now